Does it have tits?
The midwest is waaaaay worse that image makes it seem
If only they knew how to go back
HaKUNTa matata
That's what they're counting on (but it's never going to happen) libs got duped
When did she get the vaccine?
Either way the timeframe fits. Q's a cold ass mothafucka, and I dig it
Yes. The vaccine
Damn that's based
Hey where's my response you fucking cunt
Hey, Q has feelings too you know. I think you need to give some credit where credit is due
Save the llama for your mama
Do you know much about the vaccine? And who took it?
I don't think you understand. Q is Noah, saving as many from the flood as possible
>perceived evil elites
Perceived? It's not just them though. It's quite a large number of government workers, medical workers, liberals, immigrants, Israelis, etc. I find that interesting. Considering Netanyahu's wife was just hospitalized, we'll just see what happens.
No, just sterile and possibly dead within a year.
It's an HBO show, so will there be tits in it? I hope they include Bubbles
It's even worse than that
>dat hebew in the spam
It's fucking nanotech
You can see the similarities between morgellian fibers and the "clouds" after a nice seeding