Well Guys..
It seems that Will have Three fronts in this World.
USA Front
From that USA wants to cut ties with Turkey, something is Sure, USA will left to finance the NATO soon. UK wants to cut ties with Saudi Arabia. A lot of thoughts..
UK still will be with the EU militarily (NATO).
This will represent Tensions between the Three Fronts, The BRICS/EU has a lot of influence in Africa, Center/Southamerica.
USA needs to win more allies soon. Specially for Southamerica. Curiously. The strategy of McStain is very interesting for to form Proxy wars. A good manual coming to of a World Destroyer. in Florida.
The VExilies already are asking petitions for prosecutions against the Boli-bourgeois of Vzla. Just imagine that x10.. that seems the plan for the next years. For Something The Mr.Trump is worried for Obrador in July. And J.Castro in Canada. Because When finish the purge. These 2 countries will be a problem for the NSecurity of the United States. Not Saying of the EURSS and his praise to Marx.
This world isn't for the pacifists