con Sn from that lb
filing PR 0931
con Sn from that lb
filing PR 0931
Can I join?
94 is old
trees, roots….grow with the light of God
when a limb is broken at about 5 and the designated gardeners don't allow any to provide immediate help, the tree develops a way around.
SOP to place deck mats on deck to protect non-skid from shell.
Why would pallets be used in place of standard deck mats?
so was dat a yezzer on that luau?
fuck yeah!
Sometimes multiple computers are necessary for appearances, duties and all the fucking bullshit that is needed to carry out a job.
have to admit, expected those flames to cover all when hussein began his departure.
what happens when young plant doesn't receive that treatment for hours?
Why did the Orthodox really split?
They didn't trust that pope guy thingy idea…
3/5 nights woke up at exact same time.
prayed to God almighty!
Reinheitsgebot is good thing.
so is saurkraut