93 days of darkness, 12.8.20 to today.
And the first time in weeks Anon could post.
Should be a good day.
93 days of darkness, 12.8.20 to today.
And the first time in weeks Anon could post.
Should be a good day.
Second this motion. Gulf War vets got VA for life, but a decade later door kickers in Iraq only got 3-4 years coverage.
And they absolutely refuse to use the term "Gulf War Syndrome".
Something's fishy here. Like Agent Orange fishy.
Kinda wondering if 11.3 is just 3.11 mirrored, myself.
Seems like something needs to break open soon.
People are getting back to their normal lives.
People can adjust to just about anything.
It's hail. 100 lbs. hailstones. Ever seen the damage 1 lbs. hailstones do?
Exodus 9:19
Give an order now to bring your livestock and everything you have in the field to a place of shelter, because the hail will fall on every person and animal that has not been brought in and is still out in the field, and they will die.’”
Billions of people are going to die in the next decade from war, pestilence, disease and famine.
In general, people care more about their hangnail than a child starving to death on the other side of the world.
I do not need to be a prophet to tell you what is in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, written by John the Beloved.
It's in print.
It's in the open.
The hailstones in Revelation are much larger and much more destructive.
Everything in the Revelation is larger and much more destructive.
And the ones in Exodus were enough to kill anything on the ground.
It appears to me that Floyd ate some of the drugs he had on him to escape charges, and dropped other drugs he had on him.
And the ones he ate were released into his system, and he died.
With his nemesis kneeling on his neck.
They're pretty typical pagans.
We need to dig on when Gates switched from Microsoft/software guy to Germophobe/Virus guy.
The amount of evil in that photo is overwhelming.
Led to this:
The new globalists
Harry Blutstein
George Ball became the principal spokesperson for a group of fellow businesspeople who were strong supporters of globalisation. Like Ball, they saw globalisation faltering in the late-1960s, with few friends among the political elite. Referred to by the New York Times as the ‘New Globalists,’ they decided that they needed to take a direct role in promoting globalisation. Otherwise, they feared that postwar order might falter. Ball argued that global markets needed to be freed from the ‘ceaseless interference from its puzzled parent, the sovereign state,’ and so the New Globalists worked to promote the sovereignty of the markets as the foundation of globalisation. Deciding that the New Globalists needed a formal platforms to promote their ideas, David Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission, and Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum. These business clubs successfully co-opted members of the political elite, and together they have formed an engine room for policies, partnerships and programmes to extend the boundaries of market-led globalisation.
Masters of their own destiny
During the late 1960s, a group of prominent CEOs began a public campaign to reform the international order so that it was no longer built solely around the nation-state but around global markets. None were more prominent than George Ball.
After working with Jean Monnet on European integration, Ball was appointed undersecretary of state in the Kennedy Administration in 1961. Known as the ‘champion of lost causes’ his greatest defeat was when the president ignored his advice on the deployment of 16,000 military trainers to Vietnam. Ball bluntly told JFK: ‘Within five years we’ll have 300,000 men in the paddies and jungles and never find them again.’ Kennedy just shrugged and replied: ‘Well, George, you’re supposed to be one of the smartest guys in town, but you’re crazier than hell. That will never happen.’
Is 11.3 really 3.11?
Where's Huma and Hillary?
Where's Podesta?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Yes, by prosecutorial discretion they can determine whether or not an indictment goes forward to trial.