What story anon?
Agree with your thoughts, marxists are trying to apropiate the aztec inheritance, not bc its good but just bc its anti christian by history definition.
The problem is aztecs where wiped out not only by spanishs but mainly by tepanencas, tlaxcaltecas, zapotecas, and all other tribes that hopefully came to Tenochtitlan to gain power along the spanyards.
My bet is virtually no aztec remained alive, so the actual indigenous people (nobody 100%) and mestizo people (99% of now mexicans) are the descendants of thos who massacrated the aztecs.
Yep, it seems they are field testing the new cult to be later introduced in MĂ©xico. When ever you want a product to be succesful in MĂ©xico, you first do it succesful (or make it appear) in the US or EU.
There are now lots of dancing groups in downtown Mexico City, to learn ancient dances. If you are white Mexican, try to get in…