Anonymous ID: f776ef March 11, 2021, 8:18 a.m. No.13186460   🗄️.is 🔗kun





#16729 @600

>>13185506, >>13185747, >>13186316 California’s Proposed “Ethnic Studies” Curriculum Urges Students to Chant to Aztec Deity of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism

>>13185534 White House "Mistakenly" Tells Migrants in Spanish ‘Border Is Not Closed’

>>13185542 Federal COVID-19 Bailout Prohibits States From Cutting Taxes

>>13185551 Cuomo created disabled group home deathtraps, whistleblower says #ImpeachCuomo

>>13185554 New Hampshire committee approves ballot audit of Windham election

>>13185572, >>13185608, >>13185704 Dig Request on Desert Shield/Desert Storm Vaccines

>>13185574 Dominion Received At Least 2,000 Large Packages From China During 2020 Election - CD Media

>>13185576 WARROOM OP: #ImpeachThemDems

>>13185577 Disney CEO Says Gina Carano's Firing Was Not Political - Poll Says No One Will Buy it

>>13185590, >>13185593 Derek Chauvin Trial for 3/11/2021

>>13185606 Norway and Denmark suspend Oxford-AstraZeneca #COVID19 vaccine rollout.

>>13185618 Six European countries have suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine after reports of serious blood clots

>>13185642 I dug into Hickman's egg farm in Arizona that caught on fire the same day they found the shredded ballot's in Maricopa County

>>13185670 Democrats slip sneaky little rider into stimulus bill to forbid states from cutting taxes

>>13185677 South Park’ Brutally Mocks Wacky QAnon Supporters in Vaccination Special

>>13185713 Longtime Ethiopian Diplomat Resigns in Protest of Country’s Genocide

>>13185719 VP'S EXIT Kamala Harris IGNORES question from reporter about Cuomo’s sexual harassment scandal

>>13185737 A $60 billion surprise in the Covid relief bill: Tax hikes

>>13185753 Mexican President Says Biden Border Policies 'Encouraging Illegal Immigration' And Enriching Cartels

>>13185805 Michelle Obama considering retirement from public life

>>13185819 A new U.S. Army laser has more in common with Star Wars blasters than anything currently used by the military,

>>13185832, >>13186008 Video from a post on Telegram, Nancy drunk on her ass while holding press conference?

>>13185834 Biden adviser: It's no coincidence border crisis erupted when Joe took office

>>13185843 Attorney Sidney Powell: “This The Greatest Constitutional Crisis in the History of the Republic… Save Perhaps The Civil War” (VID)

>>13185846 Democrats Include $3.5 Billion in Massive COVID Bill for the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria – A Fund Connected to Bill Gates

>>13185855 The Blue State Rescue Plan Democrats use pandemic relief as a pretext to redistribute wealth from red to blue states.

>>13185874 Texas AG Ken Paxton threatens to sue non compliant

>>13185883 To date - 93 million shots in arms

>>13185917 In America, firearm ownership is a (GOD GIVEN) right—not a privilege.

>>13185899 Elite exponents of the politics of fear are deliberately exaggerating the terrorist threat of QAnon to spread alarm across the US ( FULL CAP >>13185965 )

>>13185987 L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti ‘Ecstatic’ After $1.35 Billion Windfall from ‘COVID Relief’ Bill

>>13186012 YouTube removed 30,000 videos with vaccine misinformation

>>13186079 The trial for Kyle Rittenhouse, pushed back by seven months and could be delayed even longer.

>>13186087 How TV News Helped Joe Biden Sell His $1.9 Trillion Spending Spree

>>13186089 The new globalists - George Ball became the principal spokesperson for a group of fellow businesspeople who were strong supporters of globalisation.

>>13186090 1YR DELTA WHO Declares Coronavirus Outbreak Pandemic

>>13186115 (We're) Gonna need some proof on the “literal demon hackers”.

>>13186117 Hillary Chimes in. Over the last year, at least 526,000 Americans have died of COVID-19

>>13186122 Biden and Ukraine: A strategy for the new administration.

>>13186129 Reminder Joint Chief's Troop Memo Regarding Civilian Leadership under the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

>>13186140 Supposedly, BG paid a guy for an PC operating system, copied from a RadioShack book, that he then convinced IBM to use. I'm sure it had nothing to do with family connections.

>>13186146 Kayleigh McEnany ~ FINALLY! Biden admin recognizes the Trump admin’s unprecedented vaccine work [FINALLY!]

>>13186201 Congress on Wednesday passed a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package, which Biden is expected to sign later this week. #NotMyPresident

>>13186141 John Dean: Only matter of how many days' until (PRESIDENT) Trump is indicted.

>>13186304 Welcome back to DOJ Judge Garland!

>>13186309 New York Times "Where the pedovores roam"

>>13186317 The House on Thursday approved legislation aimed at strengthening background checks on firearm sales and transfers #Save2A

>>13186318 Courtesy of the powers that delete breads.

>>13186370 Anon Put together some collages of the starburst on the horizon, which is used in many, many logos and intros for ads