Did you think this was just another 4 year election? No, you didn't. But it was. We were never in control. They didn't expect her to lose either, they wanted her to lose. They used donnie to set the stage. He was their boy the whole time and he never knew it. They used him to create division, to temporarily remove a few laws and rules, which enabled us to move much quicker on the path we're taking to a one world order. China will be the new leader of this one world order. USA will devolve to the level of the UK, France and Germany. Russia, never really was a problem with good ole Vlad. His ego makes him so easy to control. Convince him he'll look powerful and the job is done before we have to lean on him. Besides, Donnie was a walking bucket of arrogance. We had to show him just how easily we could turn him on or off. He's nothing. And Q? Well, let's just say he makes a wonderful living room edition. Bronze edition that is. Why do you creatins need a savior? United and you could have it all, but both sides are too arrogant to ever work together. Donnie made sure of that for us. Once the transformation was complete, we no longer needed him.
It's not going to be so bad. Double up, move in with family. Sell your property to the Gov. We're going to take it anyway, might as well make a few sheckles off it first. Think about it. You were played like a drum in a marching band that goes no where. Fools.