Anonymous ID: d4bb18 March 11, 2021, 5:24 p.m. No.13188651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Having spent parts of the last several days learning more about the full implications of the rollout of CCP virus vaccines, I am shocked and saddened to say that barring the intervention of a merciful God I believe we will see horrific casualties (beyond immediate reactions and deaths) among the vaccinated. It appears that the vaccines disable important aspects of the recipients immune systemas well as turn the individual's body into their own little "gain-of-function" laboratory.


There are some Bible references that fit this time in history. One is the screen cap. Another concerns a time when the people of God were murmuring against God and Moses and God allowed serpents to plague the people. In the story Moses places a bronze serpent on a pole. I think this is a foreshadowing of Jesus who "became sin" for His people. The point being in the Old Testament story and in the New Testament Gospel that if we look to God through Jesus we will be saved.


I do not know of any means to correct the disabling of the immune system brought on by these new vaccines..but God does. It seems that the original Bible story of the serpent on the pole may have lead the people of God to trust it as an idol the same way modern folks trust the "medical system" (also symbolized by serpents). Is this a moment when we repent of our trust in satan's means (poisonous vaccines which resemble serpent bites) and turn to the only One who can give us life and healing?


Israel has been sold to Pfizer as a test case for their demonic vaccine. Their population is being held hostage and is being terrorized, their people censored. I believe 5 of 9 million people have been vaccinated so far.


The YouTube link at the top will give the science behind why this is so deadly and a literally assault on humanity. The scientist who shared the information is not some crank but a high level insider in vaccine science.