I will say the things I’ve said before: If dark, horrible things seem to be crawling out of the cracks of this planet, and you’re seeing them for the first time, remember, they were always there. Now it’s time to see them and decide if you wish to have them continue or not.
If this is the case with you, remember that this is an indication that light is starting to increase, metaphorically, on this planet. Whereas in an older time, these things would simply stay covered up and stay as they were, now they are starting to show.
Spiritually, Humans have always had free choice. You can do whatever it is you wish with your lives without any judgment. We have told you this for years. Love is this way. We are in love with you, and we let you be. In addition, we give you signs and hints, but not with intervention that would force you to do anything. Free choice is that way. It’s a loving hands-off.
Here is the secret. There is a new energy starting here that is profound, and that you need to know about: When you get into a certain realm, a certain energy of compassion and willingness to see a grander truth; when you start that path, dear ones, your consciousness changes. Consciousness is energy, and when energy shifts, things happen.
Even though you have free will, your consciousness starts to give messages to the other side of the veil of “permission to help.” It’s almost as if a light goes on in your soul and starts to shine very brightly in a multidimensional way. Imagine something with me: You start to change the way you perceive things, and your awareness begins lighting up. Suddenly, all those guides, helpers, angels (whatever you wish to call them) are alerted.
“Look! Look at what she/he is doing. Look at the light. Look at this! Now we can help, because this magnificent Human has made the choice to change. Wow! This soul has made the choice to look. The light of this consciousness has given permission for intervention.”
Once you’ve made the choice to look, your perception is altered as well: Is God bigger than you were told? Are you bigger than you were told? Are there processes starting to appear that might change your sense of reality? Are there processes that you are intuitively aware of that may even be multidimensional? Is it possible that you are being guided and that you may not have to push that ball as much? For some, that seems counterintuitive. For them, a higher level of awareness can only be created by pushing the ball harder. Welcome to the secret. It’s NOT that way.
The way you perceive this message is like a light switch. Do you believe it? If so, know this: When you start to activate these new ideas of your new consciousness, you get help – lots of help. Lightworker, there is enhanced light when you start to understand that you are an amazing lighthouse. You might even say, when you start understanding this, that it spreads your Soul-Light in a logarithmic way. It amplifies itself in a way that is not linear, and you can see results in that help in your daily life, almost instantly. Love is that way.
When I first came to this planet, I gave you a basic “Kryon metaphor.” I told you that when you’re in a dark room and you light a match, interesting things happen. The first is that everyone can see just a little better – everyone. Most of them may not even know the match-bearer, or where the light is coming from, but by having just a little light, everyone benefits.
It’s a metaphor that means that what you do for yourself often is grander than you think, and not just for you. Is it too grand to say that all of the souls of humanity might know when you light that match? Remember, consciousness has a very large multidimensional footprint. It is not linear.
Some of you are receiving a large awareness right now of this secret and are saying: “I want to hear these things again. I want to start practicing some of these ideas.” If that is you, then you’ve just thrown the switch of intent. For over thirty years, we gave you information about the power of pure intent as an axiom to enhance your life.