Anonymous ID: 2ac20a March 12, 2021, 4:32 a.m. No.13190884   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I will say the things I’ve said before: If dark, horrible things seem to be crawling out of the cracks of this planet, and you’re seeing them for the first time, remember, they were always there. Now it’s time to see them and decide if you wish to have them continue or not.


If this is the case with you, remember that this is an indication that light is starting to increase, metaphorically, on this planet. Whereas in an older time, these things would simply stay covered up and stay as they were, now they are starting to show.


Spiritually, Humans have always had free choice. You can do whatever it is you wish with your lives without any judgment. We have told you this for years. Love is this way. We are in love with you, and we let you be. In addition, we give you signs and hints, but not with intervention that would force you to do anything. Free choice is that way. It’s a loving hands-off.


Here is the secret. There is a new energy starting here that is profound, and that you need to know about: When you get into a certain realm, a certain energy of compassion and willingness to see a grander truth; when you start that path, dear ones, your consciousness changes. Consciousness is energy, and when energy shifts, things happen.


Even though you have free will, your consciousness starts to give messages to the other side of the veil of “permission to help.” It’s almost as if a light goes on in your soul and starts to shine very brightly in a multidimensional way. Imagine something with me: You start to change the way you perceive things, and your awareness begins lighting up. Suddenly, all those guides, helpers, angels (whatever you wish to call them) are alerted.


“Look! Look at what she/he is doing. Look at the light. Look at this! Now we can help, because this magnificent Human has made the choice to change. Wow! This soul has made the choice to look. The light of this consciousness has given permission for intervention.”


Once you’ve made the choice to look, your perception is altered as well: Is God bigger than you were told? Are you bigger than you were told? Are there processes starting to appear that might change your sense of reality? Are there processes that you are intuitively aware of that may even be multidimensional? Is it possible that you are being guided and that you may not have to push that ball as much? For some, that seems counterintuitive. For them, a higher level of awareness can only be created by pushing the ball harder. Welcome to the secret. It’s NOT that way.


The way you perceive this message is like a light switch. Do you believe it? If so, know this: When you start to activate these new ideas of your new consciousness, you get help – lots of help. Lightworker, there is enhanced light when you start to understand that you are an amazing lighthouse. You might even say, when you start understanding this, that it spreads your Soul-Light in a logarithmic way. It amplifies itself in a way that is not linear, and you can see results in that help in your daily life, almost instantly. Love is that way.


When I first came to this planet, I gave you a basic “Kryon metaphor.” I told you that when you’re in a dark room and you light a match, interesting things happen. The first is that everyone can see just a little better – everyone. Most of them may not even know the match-bearer, or where the light is coming from, but by having just a little light, everyone benefits.


It’s a metaphor that means that what you do for yourself often is grander than you think, and not just for you. Is it too grand to say that all of the souls of humanity might know when you light that match? Remember, consciousness has a very large multidimensional footprint. It is not linear.


Some of you are receiving a large awareness right now of this secret and are saying: “I want to hear these things again. I want to start practicing some of these ideas.” If that is you, then you’ve just thrown the switch of intent. For over thirty years, we gave you information about the power of pure intent as an axiom to enhance your life.

Anonymous ID: 2ac20a March 12, 2021, 4:54 a.m. No.13190973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0993


Positive light Entities that are not from this planet are sending their Love and Light to us. We should return the gift and send them our Love and Light as well. We are capable of great love and compassion and should show our great ability to love for those trying to help us and those showing us the way.


Delta light rays are being sent slowly changing our DNA to prepare us for the powerful Gamma rays that will soon follow.

Anonymous ID: 2ac20a March 12, 2021, 5:03 a.m. No.13191010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1107 >>1232 >>1316 >>1348 >>1423

Please, every morning start with being grateful for being alive and having a meal on your table. The most important part before leaving your home is to do your daily meditation. The meditations will raise your consciousness, which is going to guide you through your day.


Remember, contemplating the truth is very important and rewarding for you, especially during this time. The Dark Entities don’t like to be around someone who is radiating with Light and Love from their soul. Also, your meditations are going to help you with your daily encounters by smoothing away any obstacles that come your way and by bringing flow to your life. It helped me, when I was Buddha here on Earth, it opened up possibilities and gifts in me, this is how I became a spiritual leader.


Even today, I still guide, mentor and teach as an Ascended Master. I am very happy to assist anyone who needs my help. Yes, I am supporting humanity’s transition into a higher level of existence. I hope that all of you realize how blessed you are to be able to ascend with your physical bodies and reach Nirvana, state of total bliss.


Learn how to express forgiveness and love to everyone and everything no matter what, it will help you to speed up the process of raising your vibration. I am here to reinforce this truth and show you the path to enlightenment for the ones, who got lost and need to be guided.


Please, remember you are the ones who are going to bring Light to this part of the Galaxy.

Anonymous ID: 2ac20a March 12, 2021, 5:06 a.m. No.13191025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Your world was once a zone of annihilation. Earth was dominated and fought over by oppressive factions, or one faction that would pay for both sides of the same war. Not any more.


So many are standing up and saying, “We must take our world back. We must govern ourselves. We must choose our leaders who will care for us and represent our well being and we must stand up to oppression.” And this you have done.


We smile with joy as we watch the developments on earth. We watch as you take your world back, as you take your minds back, as you take your power back, as you do so with compassion for the others who are yet to come, the unborn as well as the living children. You do so with a vision of what your future will hold, you do so with optimism.


Finally, it has happened. You have woken up to the truth of your world and now you embrace it with love. Finally. Love can only win, it cannot lose.


You have seen how the others live in other countries, and you strive to help them as well. Those dominated by evil forces, you work to set free while you work to set yourselves free.


So many are saying they are tired and have to work long hours. Yes, you do. But remember, you are stopping a projectile that was on a destructive path, you are slowing the train down that did not have brakes to stop, you are stopping the life that was on a collision path with death. It takes a lot of work, and so many are stepping up, doing whatever they can, to project enough force to turn the projectile around.


This is a time for rejoicing. Rejoice and celebrate every step. Every positive step. Every step in the direction of love is worth noting and expressing appreciation of. Your white house is dark, there are no more evil ones working within its walls. Is this not cause for celebration? Your governors are standing up to the evil agenda and saying “No!” Is this not cause for rejoicement? You are all waking up to a true understanding of what it means to be a human. Is this not a wonderment to give thanks for? Take time to savour the progress, otherwise you will feel that it is all work. So many of you are hard workers who never stop to take time to praise your accomplishments. Do not do this. Stop and smell the flowers along the way as you grow the garden back. I see in your video’s, in your discussions with others – you are always doing the work, because you are dedicated and this is wonderful, but do stop and smell the flowers along the way. Be pleased over your progress – you have earned it.


Take time to savour the love that comes from so many people in achieving the turn around of this juggernaut. You have stopped it, you have deflated its power, you have used your love of others to create a new world from your old one.


Do not focus on the hate that you see. This hate is fading. It is fading into the darkness from whence it came. It is trying to re-assert its dominance but it cannot. Let it go. The Light will heal those who do not understand.


You are to be commended for your efforts. Know this, the Light shines upon you all now. You are the love of God, and God loves you all.


I am Athena. I loved your world once and I have returned to love her again.

Anonymous ID: 2ac20a March 12, 2021, 5:12 a.m. No.13191046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1059


It's all about chips, microchips. They emit radio frequencies in order to keep people in fear, angry, controlled.

Everything we eat and drink is polluted with them.



The Archangel Michael mantra to clean poisoned and microchips from food and drink


Say these mantras before you eat or drink to clean the toxins and balance your body.


(1) May this food be for the balance of my body.

(2) Let this water <or say the other form drinkbe for the balance of my body.

(3) Let this medicine be for the balance of my body.

(4) Let this vaccine be for the balance of my body. (If you or loved ones are forced to take it)





From Archangel Michael, Our Great Protector and Defender


Tasks of the day:


(1) Drink at least 2 liters of Water

You will fill the Bottle and say you will say the following mantra:

"This water will cleanse my whole body"

NOTE: If you need to refill the Bottle, redo the mantra. Take the Bottle in your hands and say the mantra


(2) The Procedure of Forgiveness to clear all the burden that you brought from your ancestors, from connections of suffering. Where you asked for forgiveness and forgave all those who have been part of your soul's journey.


Prayer for Pardon:

I, <say your name>, humbly ask that the connections of suffering that I have caused, or that I still cause, through the journey of my soul, be eliminated; and that these people trapped by those connections, can forgive me for everything that has made them suffer. in the same way, I forgive, and I eliminate all the connections of those who made me suffer or who make me suffer, in this journey of my soul. May my heart be free, light and learn, that any and all feelings that subsequently need forgiveness are no longer produced during my journey. May only Love and Understanding be the focus of my Soul. Amen.


(3) The Candle for Removing CHIPS and Implants and the Egregore of Light


(2.1) Obtain a Single Candle with no names on it, no paper on it, it has nothing. Just a plate and a candle which is either dark blue (most preferably) or white (last resort), no other colors. The preferred color should be consistent.


(2.2) List ONLY the names of the people who live in your house. The procedure is for those who live in your house because the Egregore is raised there. It is the cleansing for all who are there in your house.


(2.3) Light the Candle and ask that the CHIPS and implants be removed.


(2.4) Prayer for the Egregore of Light

May the angels be around me. May the robe of Archangel Michael protect me. May the Universe bathe me in the light; and May I donate this energy, together with the energy of Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, of Mother Mary, and all of the techniques that can be used to send healing, to this egregore of Green Light. May all the energy be released in this egregore allow each one of those inside to receive the necessary blessings for their healing and liberation, that which is not Light, be transmuted, and that everyone who is inside, leave with light in there heart, and with their body totally clean and balanced. Amen.

Anonymous ID: 2ac20a March 12, 2021, 5:24 a.m. No.13191084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1213


Q post 38

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?

Why is that relevant?

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.

Think logically about the timing of everything happening.

Note increased military movement.

Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.

Note false flags.

Follow Huma.

Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.


The calm before the storm.