We have an opportunity here.
Dems have the narrowest of margins in the house. If any of these so called progressives and for the people Representatives were actually for any of the bullshit they claim to be for, they could've got a block together to vote down the COVID relief bill till they got their wildest dreams tacked into it. Free college, free healthcare, Green New Deal or whatever.
Dem voters wanted $2000 checks and 15 dollar minimum wage. The squad is supposedly progressive and rattles the establishment. Why didn't they speak up then? They have the base's ear. With the four of them screaming from the hill tops on Twatter or Instagram they could've got a couple of Dems to join them on those two things and forced Pelosi to add that shit into the bill. It only needed 6 Dems to vote no for it to fail. A six dem block could literally control the Congress right now. But no, they didn't say shit.
We know these bitches, on top of being hypocrites, are blackmailed to the gills. They have to vote with Nancy or lose cover for their laundering or whatever else the DS is holding over their heads. Also I'm sure Anons aren't in favor of a $15 min wage. But fuck it. We need to meme their hypocrisy and fecklessness. We need to show our fellow misguided americains these people they think are heroic and have wonderful talking points are full of shit. I say we meme these bitches for caving in to the dem establishment. That way no one will listen to them anymore. And moar importantly we don't have to hear their yaps anymore either.
If you meme it they will fall.