Anonymous ID: e6280c May 6, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.1319515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9533 >>9590 >>9632



Maybe somebody told you about this case…


Notice that it refers to "an indictment" … "which was unsealed yesterday". That means that a single sealed document led to the arrest of 30 people. Now, not all indictments cover so many people, and some of the sealed documents are support documents like search warrants and witness subpoenas.


But it is likely that there is some kind of multiplier to the 28,900 CURRENTLY SEALED indictments that will predict the number of arrests. Will it be 100,000 arrests? 300,000? Or half a million? We will have to wait to find out, but looking at the details of where these sealed documents are filed (every single federal court district) suggests that the DOJ expects the system to be running at full capacity when the arrests really start rolling.


I noticed that the increase in sealed documents is slowing down. This likely means that DOJ lawyers and investigators are nearing the end of new cases, and therefore THEY WILL HAVE THE RESOURCES FREE TO RAMP UP PROSECUTIONS. None of this happens by magic. They have to build a case, get the evidence, file charges, and only then arrest people. And at that point it ain't over. They have to deal with bail requests, set trial dates, get juries in place, and then actually prosecute each case one by one. Lots of lawyers needed. And lots of judges.


They do not want this to be a FIASCO like in Tuirkey where Erdogan moved to arresting masses of people before they had the resources in place to deal with so many criminals.


Better to let the criminals think they haven't been outed yet, and watch them like hawks to find out who else is involved in their RICO criminal organization. Then take ALL OF THEM OUT.

Anonymous ID: e6280c May 6, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.1319547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9559 >>9562 >>9575 >>9585 >>9622 >>9626 >>9644 >>9653 >>9673 >>9694 >>0073



That guy is no satanist. A true bloodline member of the cult will NEVER die a natural death. They are always murdered by a member of the family, when the planets are right. In the case of the Matriarch, the Grande Dame is killed by a single blow to the head using a wand (strong oaken staff with a crystal egg wired to the tip) by the woman who will take her position. The successor then kisses the dying matriarch and breaths in her last breath, to take on her role as the new Grande Dame.


So if McCain is not dead yet, it could be that he is just waiting for the planets to be in the right position, or the right date numerologically.

Anonymous ID: e6280c May 6, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.1319689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9998



Also look at that surname. Ash-Craft???

First that is not a normal surname. Second it sounds like something symbolic, power from phoenix ashes, death power, or something like that.


Look at Gyorgy Schwartz, the Hungarian who changed his name to George Soros. Not only is Soros a palindrome, which satanists love, but it is Greek for an urn used to store ashes and bones of a dead person. Again a connection with death.


Rothschild means Red Shield and refers to the Hebrews in Egypt who shielded themselves from Pharaoh by slaughtering a lamb and painting a sign on their doors in the red blood. Death.


Satanists want to control death.


By the way, it is not unusual for victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse to use fake names when they come out in public about their experience. The woman who was on Oprah twice, did not use her own name. The victims are not fully in the cult so they do not understand the rigid rules of life as a satanist. Their families cannot just go out and kill them because they are spilling the beans. Killing someone demands a process. Just like in the Mafia, they have to get permission from the Matriarch to kill a bloodline member. And any killing has to follow the laws of NATURE, the laws of the hunter and its prey. The MOST IMPORTANT THING is that the hunter must tell its prey what it is going to do. They cannot go out in secret and kill someone. They must first inform the person, that they will be hunted down and killed. The person MUST CONSENT TO THEIR OWN DEATH by not taking measures to protect themselves.


As for lack of lawsuits, this is so common it is almost a sign that the charges of satanism are true. In general they do not want uncontrolled publicity of the cult. If they cannot control the court, the lawyers, and so one, they will not attack using the legal system.


Instead, they work to discredit the person, to make sure media does not give them coverage. Or they run a limited hangout where another person makes some claims that drown out the real satanist victim. It's called controlling the narrative.


Since SRA is a bloodline member, if she does something that establishes dominance over another cult member, the family will protect her because in accord with natural law there is a hierarchy of power in which the strong dominate the weak. It could be that SRA has established her dominant rank in relation to the people she talks about.


Nothing about these satanic families is simple and nothing is really as it seems. Even normal concepts of things like family, daughter, and so on, do not mean what you think they do. Most people really do not want to dig into the details of how these incestuous psychopathic vampires really live their lives. It is too weird, too evil, and even SRA is only scratching the surface here, providing mere crumbs about them.

Anonymous ID: e6280c May 6, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.1319797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9992



You have some nerve coming on this board and telling us that you DO NOT TRUST POTUS and the plan. We all TRUST THE PLAN so peddle your anti-Trump garbage elsewhere.

Anonymous ID: e6280c May 6, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.1319881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9903 >>9947 >>9981 >>9991



As a satanist, NoName must deceive in EVERYTHING that he does. All of this funeral talk must be deception. But he is a satanist, not a normal person, so don't tell me what you would do if your were him. You will simply be wrong!!!!!


I suspect that he will fake his death. He will be drugged and lay in an open casket for a while. Then he will get up, and will watch his funeral on TV. At this point legally he is dead. His death certificate was signed, many witnesses saw his dead body, and many more saw the funeral. After most people have gone home. there will be a gathering in a crypt where only special satanists will be invited. This may include Hussein. They will have a ceremony and sacrifice NoName and drink his blood. The body will be buried separately from the casket. Perhaps they will roast and eat him, then dump the remains in an underground vat of acid.


Only the elect will know the true time, place and means of NoName's death.


Only problem is that the heirs of NoName's legacy won't have much to inherit because it is being rolled up. They will suffer the consequences including the legal ones.