i got drunk fast tonight
the Demiurge is the god of this world
aka satan
Lucifer rebelled against him
also some guy you love named Jesus
weird, right?
i stand alone
down with the sickness
in the end
bullet with butterfly wings
what it is to burn
imagine watching hannity on a friday night…
cute without the e
the artist in the ambulance
love lost in a hail of gunfire
death of seasons
the one you all larp to be
>grow up man
>resign yourself to our belief structure
>we're totally vouchsafed by God
fuck you faggot
fuck all of you christian kikes in your faggot assholes
because youre a faggot is what is was saying
wait and bleed
oh shit
pardon me
we can still read your posts (49)
weird, how this works right?
almost like you people are fucked from the start
im triggered as fuck
look at me go
keep posting your info to me you stupid fucking dipshit
kikes mad tho on a friday night online
dont you have shabbat or something tonight?
you people are adorbs
you do realize we are always going to win, right?
when even the bo thinks he understands this op
but it was always about the fire
the fire that destroys everything you love
including your god
this is fucking good shit bruh
fuck that faggot
do you understand how much you glow?
i read three words
i dont know how to explain it
most of us cant
but it is just so fucking abrasive, everything you kike feds post on here
its just like a fucking spotlight into our eyes
i dont know how you do it honestly, i couldnt
its just so fucking faggot glow i cant even begin to break it down for the plebs
but you and i know what you fucking kikes are
dont we?
yes, we do
lol youre so mad tho
you honestly thought this was about you and your faggot news aggregator sites and your kike discord channel
my god, how much you are owned
at all times
all their pain
that they project upon you
is an illusion
break apart their world