Have been following TC for a long time. I have disagreed with him on occasion but the majority of the time I think he is doing a great job at exposing the rat bastard DS. I have never seen any reason to not trust him.
I get it anon. I've started to disengage. Especially after Rush's passing. I've been at this for a long time. Decades. I'm fucking sick of it. Once I verified that Q was legit I had some hope after decades of knowing this country is finished. Now, I'm right back to where I started knowing that we are FUCKED. We are always on the defensive and the little battles we do win here and there barely have any effect of the left's "long march forward". There are some good guys in the fight but the others who call themselves "severely conservative" are just mouths. Liars. They are as much DS as any Bolshevik democrat. Romney, Kinszinger, Cheney, McConnell for example. But, I have fucking had it.
I wear no mask and I ain't getting no fucking vaccination for a virus that has a 98.6% recovery rate. Think you're gonna force me? Better come locked and loaded.
As big as an asshole that fucking cuomo is he'll need that big damn swab to stick in his sorry ass. Narcissistic POS.
I like this guy. He's a fighter and he doesn't take jack fucking shit from these libtard lunatics.
With all due respect LebAnon. Many of US have been in this fight for fucking decades. Not just 2 months. Now, none of US have experienced what you have as your country has been under siege for decades. o7 to you fren. Don't mistake bitching with the absence of fortitude and wrath. There are a bunch of mad motherfuckers over here and it's a matter of when, not if. They'll push and push and push some moar but once that shit is out of the tube there ain't no putting it back in. It will be on. They lose. Bigly.
Ha!!! kek anon. Noice!!!
So anons, what happens when Slo Joe, "TurboJoe" who's owned by Xi locks down the nation again? Think the free states will say, oh, okay. KMFAO!!! No, I don't think Abbott, DeSantis, Noem and many others are going to put up with that fucking shit.
Sorry TurboJoe, you go fuck yourself good.
DAYUUM!!! She's gorgeous!! She have a cock? kek
You have sauce to the contrary anon?
KM was bashing our POTUS at first about the liddle play party ANTIFA started at the Capital on the 6th. He's not a fighter. Need Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz as leader. Fighters, both of them.
Our POTUS!!!! Q+!!! C'mon POTUS. Give us anons something here!!! We know you're lurking!!!
KEK, just got an EAS!!! Told wifeanon if we hearโฆโฆโฆโฆ.."My Fellow Americans, The Storm Is Upon Us" I was going to fall out of my easy chair!!! Amber alert. Damnit.
I like him also anon. He's got the balls to call these rat bastard Bolsheviks out and he does a damn good job doing it.
Q tattoo for this anon if that happens.