jus hangin' out
the holocaust (as we are told) is a lie
nope, must be some plugin maybe
J&J, truth
yup, truth be told, they do
it's real alright
how are the people going to learn?
nothing to see here, move along , move along
yep, welcom pardner(s)
wondered that myself about hanks
anything is possible based on the lies we have been sold
good, needs an 'e' on the end of vaccine
interesting idea.
they always seem to play relatives in historical films, I don't see why not in this case
Cuomo put infected people into nursing homes and also alloowed the staff to move around.
He deliberatedly killed those people.
in my inexpert opinion thay counted all flu cases etc as Covid.
Covid is a real condition but has a 99.95% survival rate if you are of good health and under 65 as far as I remember. Two or more co-morbidities and you can be toast.
remember that meme, well done
an attempt to really stir things up more than they were
yes, I remember that
Welcome back anon
>you can argue with cia/fbi and other agents
Hi 9e4cf3.
fuck off then