POLL-Americans support restricting unvaccinated people from offices, travel
(We know were this will lead to)!!!
POLL-Americans support restricting unvaccinated people from offices, travel
(We know were this will lead to)!!!
Gen 1 vs Gen2
In Gen 1 lets create man in our image
In Gen 2 God creates Adam & Eve
Plan B
Cheeto man
How the states are to be divided up by the military!
Yes and no
The military will disperse to the states soon
Regional authority given to them
The DCs authority will collapse
The money will collapse
Cohesion of the states will then be tested
After the disillusion of the Corporate America
A new vote of Ratification of the original Constitution will be called for
Before we can go forward!!
The corporation of the United states must end!
And a new vote by We The People to reinstated the original Constitution!