Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 7 p.m. No.13200929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0934 >>0955 >>1332



1/3 (body too long I wish this #%*#% would TELL you when you've gone over the limit)


Don't worry, I can't possibly post what I've discovered. That final piece of the puzzle vibrated into place on that big ol' overview table last night. Still processing the depth and breadth….the 40k view if you will. The watchers here are merely low level compartmentalized worker-bees assigned to make sure things don't swerve too hard. You don't have the clearance for this. Hardly anyone does. There's a LOT of people "doing" who've zero idea WHY, or believe a comfy version of WHY. And how to tell without telling….read on.


Imagine opening a box of puzzle pieces, a big table-top sized puzzle. Each piece is important or the puzzle cannot be completed. Each piece is its own story. Even worse, imagine you've been tasked to putting the puzzle together and you open the box only to find half the pieces are missing, scattered to the wind.


Each missing piece held by widely varying "researchers" and no one has a clue that they're even related….so far apart their "subject" appears to be. The "piece-holders" unaware there is even a puzzle, that seemingly unrelated "subjects" all slide together once you've got all the pieces on the table.


Even here…directing attention, making sure any "truth" uncovered remains within a very narrow band…of truth.


–Keep them focused on the CHILDREN….


–Keep them focused on the corruption


–Keep them focused on destruction of "culture" (cultural Marxism)


–Keep them focused on the "Jaffa" the puppets, never let them find "the people in the dark shadows, the people you've never heard of". It's not like the little people "Jaffa" aren't evil enough.


–Keep them focused on their particular "truth tellers"so they walk about with their chests out believing they know the truth.


–Swerve anyone that channels with the energetic form of Archon that slides in and sets up house and gently swerves that "truth teller" away from the truth with even more salacious "secrets" that keeps them busy "truth telling" in the wrong direction.


You know, it's nearly impossible to change belief. The more the "truth tellers" tell, the further and further the pieces of the puzzle move away from each other.


HOW our planet's ancient history has been buried so deeply that putting ALL of the pieces together at this point would be nearly impossible.


HOW when people start noticing things you give them television shows and truth tellers to tell them what it means…..Ancient Aliens, Hidden from History, you name it, the aura of truth solves the "I know something's wrong but what?" and you so kindly answer all their questions soothing their fractured minds.


KEEP them focused on "what governments are hiding" by releasing information that confirms what people sense but swerves them ever so slightly in the wrong direction.


This ancient story begins with the "WHY" of arrival. The WHY of the forever wars.


WHY. No one ever asks WHY?. If they do, they are instantly fed "Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein" and the record scratch jerks the inquirer right back onto the accepted story. They don't wonder beyond that. They don't understand that to do whatthey'redoing they need MONEY and lots of it. They need to meet the money, control the money, control the information, infect people who can CONTROL, govern, first trap them with their darker proclivities, then infect them with the "parasite". IF they need an "in" they find an "in", feed them whatever they desire, infect, control. "The children" are merely a means to an end. As horrid as it sounds, the children are merely a spec on the overarching "puzzle", a means to an end, food for those that hunger that particular depravity so that control may be gained over those that hunger.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 7:04 p.m. No.13200955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0960 >>1092 >>1109




Tolkien told us of a particular time period on earth (6500 years ago). The wars….the "ring", that thing everyone wanted and would do anything to get. That one thing…..everyone wanted because of the power that ownership/control of it granted. What was "the ring a metaphor for? That thing lost, irretrievable, yet eternally rumored to "rise" again.


ALL the jockeying for position, the control mechanisms, the money, the waiting….the waiting.


The war we can't see, the final "destination" that only a handful of "Jaffa" know but ALL the "overlords/Goa'ould, "the people in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of" that your PRESIDENT tried to tell you to seek out and find, and yet you cannot. You cannot because you are stuck, your record is playing, the needle stuck in a scratch, each time your mind tries to wander outside the "conspiracy you know about" into those dark shadows, you cannot. You just cannot.


Of all the Q clues only 1 time did Q give any clues to the overarching truth, the piece of the puzzle, the WHY. You've been kept busy….very busy, and for a good "cause" knowledge is power. Your minds have been so corrupted by the "truth tellers" they are likely irretrievable. I could write / draw it out but it would take a mile of paper…..and the scratch on your record will jerk you right back on course.


There are good guys and bad guys in our story…..all battling on many different levels compartmentalized knowledge…..each knowing the consequences for the other getting "the ring".


The truth is hidden in fiction, those who create tap into the collective conscious, past, present, future, they've written it, created it, broadcast it….scattered truth.


When I finally slept…my mind exploding wanting to TELL yet knowing it's pointless. Nothing will change from the words of one obscure person in an obscure batcave. I know what you're waiting for. I hope team good wins, it's true NOTHING can stop what is coming, nothing ever has before…..what happens after depends on who has "the ring" when the smoke clears. The "Goa'ould/parasite 'gods'" have historically spent their time seeking out and wiping out any traces of the gifted "Elves", as "the time" draws nearer they're more and more desperate. Their "jaffa" slaves/puppets are very busy directing attention, emotions, and manipulating humans.


Watch the water


Pedo island pedo island pedo island…PEDO PEDO PEDO….and that's all you see. Forget the pedo…Island. WHY? The "jaffa" haven't a clue WHY. They hear and obey, they feed the money whatever they need to gain access to the money. They'll send in their "servants" to marry the money they don't already own.


WHO are "the 'people' in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of"..what is it that they seek?




Maria? (clever move….VERY clever move)


Haiti? (oops that earthquake tho…"unintended?" consequences")


24°42′20″N 77°46′9″W


Putting them in GITMO….the irony. SO close and yet….


I hope the good guys win. That "ring" will change everything on earth. Don't worry, I won't tell. They wouldn't believe me anyway. Your programming has been most excellent. FUCK the missing "sessions" the "group of mysterious business men" have hidden away. Knowing they exist, how dangerous those missing pages are…and that the "Goa'ould" have them. Zawhie is a good "jaffa".


When I created pic related, I could literally SEE all the connections, but I never got past the top level bullshit into the WHY. The only thing I'm left wondering about is, do they believe there are 2? Such effort to assert that the Oera Linda is fake. And yet Finger Lakes? Did Tolkien dare not let on his civilization building was built on ancient texts? But that covers only ONE time period, ONE apocalypse. Each time IT has evaded them.


Maybe poisoning the "Lakes" served more than one purpose? No one but "seekers" would be "on the water". Good thing that failed. They lost control of the "southern" efforts so they moved north? Cut off again. NOICE.


ALL this destruction, all these horrors, evil and vile acts, WHY? Evil for evil's sake they tell you……..everything is connected, from the concoction of "controlling religions" to "truth tellers"….it is ALL designed to hide that one thing that changes everything.


I found the connections last year, I just misinterpreted what they actually meant…big picture.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 7:05 p.m. No.13200960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The truth is out there (heh) but scattered bits here and there….the bits plucked from the ether by creators. writers, mind explorers. Or is it that "ancient contract" that they HAVE to tell you?….there's no rule about telling in a way you'd believe, or telling in a way you'd be able to assemble the puzzle on your own. There's too many "truth tellers" now "compromised" by the swerve.



It will be most interesting….this ending. This time.


The connections(fuck this body too long…that bit got lost) Don't bother, I won't tell..the end is "nigh" anyway and I'm just a hillbilly nobody…curious to see how this all ends.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13200986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1035


>but "trust muh undefined plan"

Why not merely trust your EYES?

There's a plan, but you are incapable of even beginning to comprehend. You can start with my 3 posts linked in this bread…but it will not help you. You're literally 3rd eye blind. It's OK, you've been purposefully made that way.


WHAT to pics related tell YOU? It's a damn show for a reason so fucking GOOD and yet beyond your ability to comprehend, all you can do is trust. OR NOT. It's up to you.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 7:11 p.m. No.13201006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1040 >>1075


The posts are only for the record. I'll archive offline. What I've written you cannot understand. It's not YOUR fault, you've been made this way on purpose. Only the curious will spend even a moment contemplating and wondering….then investigating on their own. Even then they'll give up…as the needle on their record gets stuck in that "scratch" and reverts them back to the "program".

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 7:30 p.m. No.13201100   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The sad part is (if you read my 3 linked posts in this thread)….that there's been hints all along. People on both sides are so programmed to believe that mind mind exploded. A simple "why do you believe this" sends people into apoplectic fits.

For nearly 5 years this forum has screamed FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS….and now they believe the media? Why? why now? When all along there have been (to me at least) YUGE hints to the EYE…..and the programming is so damn strong, even among those who claim to be "awakened" that they still cannot see.

Garth Brooks sang "I was BLIND but now I see".

Trump said "sometimes you have to SHOW them"…..


Amidst the "believable nightmare" that is Biden's "presidency" there are truths….that the "awakened" are still blind to. They want to be spoonfed, rather than sorting OUT the WHY they need to be told the WHY….if they knew the WHY (which if the curious bother to read, contemplate and investigate my posts here) they'd still not be able to believe it. SO why the fuck would they be told WHY?


And still they are shown "moments" in time of comfort….just relax, turn off the FUCKING TELEVISION. Get the fuck off social media. The digital "army" has done all they can do. FUUUCK they're useless now. The more media they consume, the more lost and despondent they become.


When Biden was 'inaugurated' I had a moment of absolute peace. I knew that THE PLAN was coming to an end. I watched the moaning and crying, the absolute despondency and I thought….even in front of their eyes they NEED "Q" to tell them what to see.


They've not learned much in these past 5 years. Not much at all. Still their HOPE and positive energy did indeed help. They're NOT helping now…at this most crucial time…their fear is undoing the good…..I do still think the PLAN (good guys) will "win"…..but watching people fall right back into old habits and following anyone that feeds them what they want to dine on….sad. The "inauguration" was so full of hints….and yet they could not SEE. EVERYTHING has been full of "settle down" hints, and STILL they cannot see…so lost in the forest the trees stand shouting, SEE us…relax, let it play out….and they cannot.


KEK Diet Coke button. LOL

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 7:42 p.m. No.13201171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1384


There is much about our "history" that has been purposefully shaded…hidden among fiction, hidden by the People in the dark shadows"…even "Q" was a KIND of a swerve. As Q only gave 1 drop that would untangle all of it. Just ONE. The rest were "investigate and uncover truth in the direction you're directed". I do understand the reasoning behind this. People needed SOMETHING to focus on. Exposing the entire truth would create much distress…to the point that distress / energy would hinder the overall "plan".


Compartmentalization is now as before…need to know. I've been studying the puzzle in my "mind palace" for many many years….and just last night I got that LAST piece slid into place and was like..HOLY SHIT…ducks head…don't worry guys, just a hillbilly in a batcave, insignificant me…no one will believe me anyway, I'm not suicidal, no one except the "ELVIN" would be able to figure it out from what I've posted….too many swerves, too many "truth tellers" too many beLIEfs to overcome.


The only way to figure it out is not to beLIEve anything. But to hold each piece as it is…unaltered….without someone telling me what to THINK or believe about it…just letting them sit there….gathering more across time.


We can't go where we MUST go if we truly want a "different world" with the baggage of the blind…thus I know what MUST happen next, must happen. But, it IS hard to watch. I've given FAR and away enough clues.


Q gave only 1.

watch the water


which I held out as a clue…and initially thought it only meant what happened in MI…but last night's revelations helped me see—far and beyond what I had originally thought that meant… doesn't matter if THAT is true (there are 2) IT matters only that "the people in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of" believe that it is. Once cut from what they used to believe was a sure thing, they've had little choice but to seek it there….but I still think there's ONLY 1…

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 8:05 p.m. No.13201278   🗄️.is 🔗kun


See my other posts in this thread. I think it is their belief….there are 2…I do think they firmly believe this….and Finger Lakes would be and have been very very important….to that BELIEF. I also know that very very VERY few people actually KNOW what they believe is there. Their fascination and "camping" out up there…is based on that belief. Carefully read my posts….make notes. Start poking around. I cannot give more clues. I'm going to be lucky to get away with this much. IF I spoonfeed it, I may accidentally the plan. I do NOT want to do that. It's THAT important.


I was actually slightly scared shitless last night. I have purposefully avoided "viewing" certain things so as not to draw unwanted "attention" but the "door" was wide open…that tells me the time is coming soon. (shit lol it was a trap, I'm NOT suicidal".)


I'm not the only one that knows this…but if I HAD to tell people where to look, I'd tell them to look to the ethers that collective consciousness that stores knowledge, that place creators, writers and visionaries tap into…when they create.


Time: the Fringe

Who/What/: Stargate series except Universe which swerved

Warehouse 13 for a peek at possibilities

Torchwood TIME—manipulation/communication

Books…Last Librarian….that writer fucking KNOWS…the battle…he's written the inorganic timeline, the one we're trying to escape from….

Tolkien….holy Tolkien….taking ancient historic tombes only he could read at the time…and creating the universe/world, battle he found there and bringing it forward….the eternal battle to eliminate those that carry the knowledge, the gifted…who they've succeeded in mostly eliminating from earth.

THEY can't leave….and NO ONE is coming to save us. The "oh dear children of light" bullshit….team good won't help, team evil pretends to be team good…promises endlessly to help but never comes…goal? sleep, trust us, we're coming…the Energetic Archons have taken root in the minds….literally swerving anyone who walked in truth, transmitting "truth"….there's literally NO way to convince people that "good aliens" are NOT going to help.


The ORI versus the Ancients…..overarching theme. The creators plucked that truth from the ether…..we MUST save ourselves….which we are NOT inclined to do…because we're WAITING…for Q. for Jesus, for aliens….when what's really coming, is the water….(again).


DID Q do enough to shift the energy? I think so….it would have done little good to tell them more than what they could understand. I thought last night of my wipe board…where would I start even drawing…what I see? how many MILES of paper will I need?

My only guiding thought is for people to STOP fucking worrying, what possible good can that do? PERSONAL responsibility, USE it. Resourcefulness, USE it. Resilience, REMEMBER it.

Accept that even though you don't KNOW…accept that they cannot TELL you. They're showing you all you need to know without having psyche's shattered…a kindness, it's a KINDNESS, believe that.

TRUST, PRAY, say you don't know but you trust…ignore all that would shift your energy to the negative, (they feed of and magnify that)….remember, all thought is creation, be mindful of what you create with your need, fear, and EGO…that's the biggest killer right now. EGO. Everyone wants to be VINDICATED…to friends, family….and that's NOT going to happen, not the way you expected…who told you to expect things to come a certain way? The PAYtriots, the swervers…Q never ever ONCE told you anything but "god wins" never once ever did Q tell you HOW…when…or who…or even why. IT wouldn't have mattered if they did, telling too much only makes things harder…program is program…the "right" is no less programmed than the left. It just isn't…..believing that it is…only fucks people up more.


GOOD positive energy…find it, magnify it….sit there…turn off, tune OUT the media….it's NOT for YOU that it's happening.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 8:11 p.m. No.13201312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419


>The archons were infecting our lay lines (think global system),

You got this bit correct. No worries, there were the "Elvin" correcting that….those "mystery booms"…were indeed the formerly separated two sides of a energy field coming together. Those corrections have made the NOW possible. Once the mother started moving her energy in the right way…instead of the fucking parasites sucking it off…the timeline swap became possible.

You are correct on HOLDING positive energy to disrupt their plans…but closing those gaping energy holes was very very key to regaining control over OUR earth.


The rest is swerved with beLIEf. Archons inhabit the area between space and time, guardians of that one thing…their "chosen" do their work on earth, their energetic forms invade the minds of those who "channel' the dead or the aliens. That "someone" is coming to save us? That sir, is a lie.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.13201323   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>omergawd you is so smart and like…yes babie!

What a curious way to express that you didn't understand a damn word I said.

Useful idiots.


Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 8:18 p.m. No.13201351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1374


The reason was…overall the people who Q gathered together are good-hearted well-meaning people. Their positive energy, especially when praying (after St. Suplice was "tidied up") has helped immeasurably. Sad they've stopped now…and instead have turned to hopium, PAYtriots to feed them (lies) not a single PAYtriots knows the truth, not one. They may know that Biden is not president….but the pablum they're feeding their beLIEvers? I am quite mystified as to why those people are still permitted to continue.


Perhaps the lies do indeed serve the purpose of HOPE which is positive energy…I suppose, in the end, it matters little if that hope was based on lies. It is the POSITIVE and the prayers….if you feed the ether your fear and distrust ….you're going backwards instead of forwards.


KEK…the headlines growing more and more hysterical. And still people believe.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 8:38 p.m. No.13201447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1458 >>1460 >>1488 >>1535


I have seen things off and on…my knowledge of the Archons came in an unexpected way many many years ago and at the time….I was just coming into my "medicine" and although I took the "warning" to heart and holding to that has kept ME on the straight and narrow, it has made me the subject of many many attacks because I simply refuse to participate in anything that has been channeled. I only completely understood their bigger picture…just the other day. Ether Archons slide down that energy pathway opened when someone tries to connect with the dead or the aliens…they move on in and communicate via the channel…that's why there's SO much bullshit….They are literally the "TRICKSTERS" that mix truth with fiction. What about the human that is picking up on "something more" and seeking knowledge than to slide on in there, feed them an acceptable truth that answers/soothes them and steers them away, every so slightly from the knowledge that they seek.


TRUTH with fiction…I was SO clearly told that….told never, ever EVER get involved…and for the rest of my life I've never, ever …if someone is telling me what the aliens said, I just LOL no and move on. More teachings were to come from my elders helping me, over the years to develop, grow and get on with what I am here to do. NO grand websites, no videos, no books, no money….just learn, get on with it, and sit back and enjoy the show.


YOU are however, VERY correct on parasites, literal earth-based parasites. 100% correct. They are the cause of many many great sicknesses…from MS to malaria…and we have been taught to forget them. What the Archon parasites won't get….the earth-based will. They are also, INDEED mind control.


The physical Archon parasite however is not earth-based and has an agenda very very much like we see spread out over 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1…which oddly I only found last summer.


Trump is an "Elvin" a medicine carrier. (to draw on a Tolkien allegory). He is, for all intents and purposes…the logos, a being in perfect balance with itself…normies cannot comprehend that however….they have been taught to "eradicate" evil rather than to "become 1" with it. Being in balance with all that is. KNOWING the great evil inside…experiencing, turning away from it, learning the other side…then like the Tao of Steve (Be desireless, be excellent, be gone)……understanding the importance of balance….the fulcrum I've drawn trying to demonstrate this principle….you see, we are caught in duality, the fulcrum is tilted all the way to the dark…we are in a period of intense darkness…


Like the movie The Stand…we see…be in balance with the dark…end duality the division between good and evil, understand that the "division" is purposeful…teaching people they can do the impossible…eradicate evil…has created the situation we currently live in.


The thing with Trump is he KNOWS he is capable of great evil, he's been "tempted in the desert" and yet he CHOOSES to walk in light. To be in balance with all that he strike in vicious ways against the dark…using HIS dark to conqueror dark…and settling back to neutral….it is DESIRE that is the seed of all evil. ALL thought is creation….why are people being taught to DESIRE….(tranny, children, pedos, porn…) be careful little mind what YOU THINK…."as a man THINKETH so IS he"…across all teachings that ONE stands…


Seeking truth among the lies…be still, be quiet, wait….don't act…SEE …do NOT seek someone to TELL you.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 8:47 p.m. No.13201491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1558 >>1614


Here's a wee gift…ignore the text, the rhetoric…play this LOUD…with or without headphones…3 x a week. No matter how badly you start to feel….Tesla is yet another clue…frequency kills, frequency creates.


THIS frequency does indeed kill that which is there, but should not be. Drink LOTS of water…for earth-based if you truly want rid of them your diet must change…no sugar, carbs, etc…Keto is best. For Archon physical? This should kill them. Ether Archon parasites must be removed by a medicine carrier.


(There are WAY more frequencies, each earth-based parasite vibrates to their own…never, EVER work with more than 1 frequency at a time..2 weeks on one, move to the next or find out what I did…when my elder was teaching me many years ago….the hard way…gak.)


THIS one is what I'd do next…after doing embedded. And stop inviting the etheric parasites in by listening to those who have them and don't know…anyone who "channels" aliens. I've seen at least 10 "jewtube psychics" who started out great "reading" on our current situation, be swerved entirely into the Archon agenda by channeling and they do not even fucking realize it. I did learn this by studying people before/after….for my OWN edification.

THIS….also any spooky2 frequency..sound/audible.


DON'T work with more than 1 at a time…just don't. KEK…(learned the hard way).

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 9:04 p.m. No.13201555   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"evil CANNOT be destroyed in this world, only resisted within oneself."

Exactly. When I was teaching before "retiring" to focus on the "missions"…I used a book by Debbie Ford called "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers". Holy fuck people up. LOL I was taught in the same way with the same book…years ago in the beginning of my training. My illusionary self…so good, so angelic…so SO very good…(we are wrongly taught to bury our dark gifts rather than use them when appropriate). I recall starting that book and getting SO upset at the very premise I might be evil…that I slammed it shut…..I went back to it a few months later…and recall calling my elder at the time..screaming AFFIRMING "I AM EVIL, I AM EVIL" only to be met with a "chuckling…finally".


We are taught to FIGHT evil…and in so doing..we magnify it. The illusion of the "light workers" …whew I wish I could get them to stop….Newton's THIRD law….but noooo they keep beaming care-bear stares of "light" and unicorn rainbows and fairy farts without realizing that they're strengthening the dark by fighting it. I was taught to outsmart, airbend and move around…not to fight. It is instinct to fight.


Using that dark energy within to strengthen one's WILL…I see Trump doing that…never cross him, never betray…or you WILL pay–as all liars and tricksters will…but NOT by being EVIL…by reflecting their own shit back at them..actions have CONSEQUENCES…in a world managed by tit for tat wars…that is a revolutionary concept.


People are mad Trump didn't do this or that…and I say to THEM….you cannot preserve the rule of law by breaking it. You cannot preserve the Constitution by violating it. And as almost any Sci-fi show says…there is ALWAYS another way. He's outsmarted the "evil" at every turn…even if you cannot see it now.


I have a brief time yet to teach…and then like Steve I will be gone…:D


It has been a very wild ride…last night SEEING all my bits and pieces of the overarching mystery slide together and settle in…I know there

s not much left for me to do.


People are MAD…why did Trump say/do this and such re vaccines? ARE vaccines really contaminated? bad? well I'll tell you this for free, I KNOW/have seen what that vaccine shit is INTENDED to do and it matters little to me if it's in the NOW. There's NO way that PCR test is going up my nose and zero way any vaccine goes in my body. PERIOD. SO whatever I choose or have to do for that NOT to happen? SO it will be.


PEOPLE need to take personal responsibility. PERIOD. FOR nothing ever would I ask the overarching GOOD be undone because some people are stupid and will take vaccines. That's on them…if you're loved ones take it, let them go. People are going to act on their fears and programming.


Check out this fucking KIKE getting his "vaccine"…and ask yourself…what does this FUCKING PARASITE know…that you don't? People need to think for themselves now, choose for themselves NOW…and stop expecting anything, anyone to save them from their own stupid. Trump must now be ruthless…or the entire battle will be lost.

Anonymous ID: 96e264 March 13, 2021, 9:14 p.m. No.13201623   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is MUCH to learn about frequency….so very much. "Original Medicine" was based on light and frequency. It's amazing. (take care with 528 personally I do avoid that because I'm unclear on the swerve there. I know there's a swerve…so caution rather than careless).


LIFE is frequency…the Shuman is the frequency by which humans interact/vibrate with the earth…everything every little thing, every rock, every tree, every bacteria, every single thing, vibrates…to specific frequencies.


The ancients knew this and we've forgotten.


If you're curious about something coming out…get one of those mesh screen plastic handled type strainers, poop in it, swish in water until solids dissolve..see what's left. The information can be two-fold…what your body is not digesting (peanuts for me)…and what creatures may lurk within so you can tailor herbal remedies to life cycle and source. Hulda Clark started out nice…then swerved. By the time she popped her clogs she was identifying EVERYTHING as a parasite…so read around, gather information, try this or that…never, ever, EVER "follow" any one person/concept.


Crazy cat lady….whew…what about da gay? This guy in vid….I thought holy shit he's going to be cancelled…he's 10/10 telling the truth. VERY good guy and has a FB page he tries to help others.


MIND control…can make you desire/want…so the parasite can spread.