1/3 (body too long I wish this #%*#% would TELL you when you've gone over the limit)
Don't worry, I can't possibly post what I've discovered. That final piece of the puzzle vibrated into place on that big ol' overview table last night. Still processing the depth and breadth….the 40k view if you will. The watchers here are merely low level compartmentalized worker-bees assigned to make sure things don't swerve too hard. You don't have the clearance for this. Hardly anyone does. There's a LOT of people "doing" who've zero idea WHY, or believe a comfy version of WHY. And how to tell without telling….read on.
Imagine opening a box of puzzle pieces, a big table-top sized puzzle. Each piece is important or the puzzle cannot be completed. Each piece is its own story. Even worse, imagine you've been tasked to putting the puzzle together and you open the box only to find half the pieces are missing, scattered to the wind.
Each missing piece held by widely varying "researchers" and no one has a clue that they're even related….so far apart their "subject" appears to be. The "piece-holders" unaware there is even a puzzle, that seemingly unrelated "subjects" all slide together once you've got all the pieces on the table.
Even here…directing attention, making sure any "truth" uncovered remains within a very narrow band…of truth.
–Keep them focused on the CHILDREN….
–Keep them focused on the corruption
–Keep them focused on destruction of "culture" (cultural Marxism)
–Keep them focused on the "Jaffa" the puppets, never let them find "the people in the dark shadows, the people you've never heard of". It's not like the little people "Jaffa" aren't evil enough.
–Keep them focused on their particular "truth tellers"so they walk about with their chests out believing they know the truth.
–Swerve anyone that channels with the energetic form of Archon that slides in and sets up house and gently swerves that "truth teller" away from the truth with even more salacious "secrets" that keeps them busy "truth telling" in the wrong direction.
You know, it's nearly impossible to change belief. The more the "truth tellers" tell, the further and further the pieces of the puzzle move away from each other.
HOW our planet's ancient history has been buried so deeply that putting ALL of the pieces together at this point would be nearly impossible.
HOW when people start noticing things you give them television shows and truth tellers to tell them what it means…..Ancient Aliens, Hidden from History, you name it, the aura of truth solves the "I know something's wrong but what?" and you so kindly answer all their questions soothing their fractured minds.
KEEP them focused on "what governments are hiding" by releasing information that confirms what people sense but swerves them ever so slightly in the wrong direction.
This ancient story begins with the "WHY" of arrival. The WHY of the forever wars.
WHY. No one ever asks WHY?. If they do, they are instantly fed "Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein" and the record scratch jerks the inquirer right back onto the accepted story. They don't wonder beyond that. They don't understand that to do whatthey'redoing they need MONEY and lots of it. They need to meet the money, control the money, control the information, infect people who can CONTROL, govern, first trap them with their darker proclivities, then infect them with the "parasite". IF they need an "in" they find an "in", feed them whatever they desire, infect, control. "The children" are merely a means to an end. As horrid as it sounds, the children are merely a spec on the overarching "puzzle", a means to an end, food for those that hunger that particular depravity so that control may be gained over those that hunger.