No. A muslim man or woman choosing to invade our lands live on our soil and replace our people? Incite conflict.Place posters near public parks calling for sharia law, then in the next week place posters over such posters calling for the expulsion of all immigrants, repeat in every area of public life until the crisis arises. Ethnic autonomy? This is ethnic replacement. They may even go through with your imprisonment or physically harm you. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. That should surprise no one. It should come as no shock that European men, in every nation, and on every continent are turning to radical notions and methods to combat the social and moral decay of their nations and the continued ethnic replacement of their people. Who do you consider white? No, I spent many years travelling through many, many nations.
I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. Do you consider it a terrorist attack? VENERATE THE ANCESTORS BUT WORK FOR THE CHILDREN A soldiers fight The ideal of a heroic war, without loss, without failure, without some great setback, is idealistic and downright impossible. We were born from our lands and our own culture was molded by these same lands.The protection and preservation of these lands is of the same importance as the protection and preservation of our own ideals and beliefs. CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD. When I know, I will tell you.
>Conservatism is dead.