Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13204822   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The french people were often in a minority themselves, and the french that were in the streets were often alone, childless or of advanced age. We must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. Simple, white, wooden crosses stretching from the fields beside the roadway, seemingly without end, into the horizon. This is racial replacement. No.The police force in New Zealand is on overall good terms with the public and, unlike in other European nations such as France, the UK, or Norway they have so far remained loyal to the people.So harming the NZ police officers was to be avoided at all costs unless the state enforcer was from an invaders background. VENERATE THE ANCESTORS BUT WORK FOR THE CHILDREN A soldiers fight The ideal of a heroic war, without loss, without failure, without some great setback, is idealistic and downright impossible. Nah, not really.An Australian living in New Zealand is much the same as an Austrian living in Bavaria. Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment. Are you a Fed/shill/mossad agent/false flag/patsy/infiltrator/antifa/glow in the dark etc? A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. But kill sixty unarmed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, and you will be considered a monster, dragged through the streets, ridiculed, attacked, your character assassinated in every way it can be and finally tried in court and imprisoned for the rest of your life.


RETAKE THE CITIES, RETAKE YOUR BIRTHRIGHT Support Your Brother Nations When one country moves, you move with them, support them financially, politically, socially and physically. Any method that gives these traitors their sure reward is viable and should be encouraged. Why attack immigrants when β€œ x ” are the issue? An environmentally conscious and moral society will never be able to economically compete with a society based on ever increasing industrialization, urbanization, industrial output and population increase. Millions of invaders landing on our shores, conquering our towns and without a single shot fired in response. Ebba was partially deaf, unable to hear the attacker coming.

>The only option for a true man or woman of Europe is to labour, labour with all effort towards victory.

Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13204834   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

You will hang. Why should others fight for you if you are not willing to fight for yourself? The going will be tough and many of us will die. The notion of a racial future or destiny is as foreign to them as social responsibilities. The global and corporate ran press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions committed by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. These tumultuous times can be brought about through action. Think again, fucker. The economic elites who line their pockets with the profit received from our own ethnic replacement. WHEN YOU SEE THEM; WHEN YOU HEAR THEM; YOU WILL KNOW THEM, AS THEY ARE YOU, AND YOURS. Why is it that what gives Western nations strength (diversity) is not what gives Eastern nations (China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea) their strength? Goodbye, god bless you all and I will see you in Valhalla.


We were born from our lands and our own culture was molded by these same lands.The protection and preservation of these lands is of the same importance as the protection and preservation of our own ideals and beliefs. As only in times of radical change and social discomfort can great and terrific change occur. Who do you consider non-white? It was not suddenly bred, It will not swiftly abate, Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate. And how does diversity increase that strength? Diversity is anathema to equality.

>When they demand you pay, refuse.

Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13204847   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

It may upset many, but the truth of the matter is these people are directly responsible for the current invasion and sacking of Europe and their treachery has damaged European prospects greatly. This time of possible instability will also be a at a time where our potential nation enemies in the East will be reaching their own zeniths of power. When they ask why, you tell them why. Strong men do not get ethnically replaced, strong men do not allow their culture to degrade, strong men do not allow their people to die. All I can guarantee is that inaction is sure defeat, power structures will be tested and likely will fall and most of all there is only the future ahead and attempting to march back to any earlier time will get you no where at all. What gives a nation strength? Nah, not really.An Australian living in New Zealand is much the same as an Austrian living in Bavaria. What can we do to fix it? As for how the public perceives us? This crisis of mass immigration and sub-replacement fertility is an assault on the European people that, if not combated, will ultimately result in the complete racial and cultural replacement of the European people. The race of the elect suffers outrageous persecutions, and the impious race of the Saracens respects neither the virgins of the Lord nor the colleges of priests.


There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. No, just a partisan. Was the attack β€œ racist ” in origin? An environmentally conscious and moral society will never be able to economically compete with a society based on ever increasing industrialization, urbanization, industrial output and population increase. C. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? Victors write the history and the writers of history control the cultural climate of the present time.

Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13204862   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

How is this possible? They congregate, discuss, despair, strategize, debate and plan. Whilst the immigrants were young, energized and with large families and many children. I could no longer bring the sneer to my face, I could no longer turn my back on the violence. Their loss was inevitable.I just accelerated things a bit. Whether it takes ten years or a thousands years, whilst we are facing birth rates at sub-replacement levels, then our people are dying. Did they perceive us any differently after the attack than they did before? They grow up and take the potential homes of your own people for themselves, they occupy positions of power, remove wealth and destroy social trust. Because the β€œ x ” groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first. Please do not redistribute ” that proved their knowledge of their actions, and their guilt. Roma, African, Indian, Turkish, Semitic or other.


Violence isn ’ t the answer, why are you using force? These men and women are not being being brain-washed, corrupted or misled. REMOVE THE INVADERS, RETAKE EUROPE You wait for a signal, whilst your people wait for YOU Whilst you wait for a sign, a signal; someone to take up the spear; to cry out in alarm, your people wait on YOU. I begun planning an attack roughly two years in advance and an attack at the location in Christchurch three months in advance. The Christchurch and Linwood mosques had far more invaders, in a more prominent and optically foreign building, with less students, more adults and a prior history of extremism. No, I only wish I could have killed more invaders, and more traitors as well.

>Who do you follow?

Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13204883   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

If the media or state in your region attacks them, destroy the corporation and traitorous politicians responsible. I pulled my rental car over, and sat, staring at these crosses and contemplating how it was that despite these men and womens sacrifice, despite their bravery, we had still fallen so far.I broke into tears, sobbing alone in the car, staring at the crosses, at the forgotten dead. I pulled my rental car over, and sat, staring at these crosses and contemplating how it was that despite these men and womens sacrifice, despite their bravery, we had still fallen so far.I broke into tears, sobbing alone in the car, staring at the crosses, at the forgotten dead. WHY WON ’ T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? Why them when I could do it myself? TAXATION IS THEFT IN A TRAITOROUS SYSTEM Section IV In conclusion Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. Who do you support? A finger on the hand of the body of Europe. The invaders are the ones over populating the world. As only in times of radical change and social discomfort can great and terrific change occur. Anyone can be a member of our nation, as long as they have the paperwork.


Depending on the definition, sure. The global and corporate run press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions carried out by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. The varied cultures of the world greeted me with warmth and compassion, and I very much enjoyed nearly every moment I spent with them. These I hate. Was the attack β€œ xenophobic ” in orgin? Something that had been a part of my life for as long as I could remember, cynicism in the face of attacks on the West by islamic invaders, was suddenly no longer there.

>The last virtues of a dying nation are tolerance and apathy, and I want none of it.

Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13204904   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Where there is a will, there is a way. In the Western world this is roughly 2.06 births per woman. Where they are removed to is not our concern, or responsibility. And how does diversity increase that strength? If you lose, no matter how you acted in your loss; whether that is heroically, cowardly, violently, peacefully, virtuously or criminally, if your enemies are writing the history they will describe you as a devil. To take revenge for the thousands of European lives lost to terror attacks throughout European lands. Prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss, struggle, death. UNTIL THE HAGIA SOPHIA IS FREE OF THE MINARETS, THE MEN OF EUROPE ARE MEN IN NAME ONLY The Rape of European Women Invaders Many of you may already know about the rape of British women by the invading forces, Rotherham of course being the most well known case. Stop waiting for someone else to show you the way forward, YOU are the way forward, waiting around for someone to start the fight is moronic, because it is YOU that is going to start the fight, If you are reading this, you are the new leaders that will push our people to victory, you are the soldiers that will fight for the future of your race. As I sat there in the parking lot, in my rental car, I watched a stream of the invaders walk through the shopping centre ’ s front doors. Not in Europe, not in the Americas, not in Australia or New Zealand.


WHY DON ’ T I DO SOMETHING? Whether that is by encouraging and pushing increases to the minimum wage; furthering the unionization of workers; increasing the native birthrate and thereby reducing the need for the importation of labour; increasing the rights of workers; pushing for the increase in automation or advancement of industrial labour replacement or any other tactic that is available. Why did you choose this time to attack? And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Above all, just don ’ t be stale, placid and boring. When non-Europeans are considered Europe, than there is no Europe at all.

>Yes, but death was a definite possibility.

Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13204926   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

But only one has the ability and only one has shown to be effective at doing so. More recently I have been working part time as a kebab removalist. There is no pleasant meadow in which you can lay down your weary body, rest your head and wait for it all to blow over. The risk is too great. Why do you believe you will be released from prison? The US is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump? Don ’ t run from the fight, run towards the fight. Sadiq Khan, The current mayor of London at the time of writing, an open sign of the disenfranchisement and ethnic replacement of the british people in the british isles. So take the prison time, take the beating or even fight back. The nation?


It depends on who those workers are, their intents, who currently owns the means of production, their intents and who currently owns the state, and its intents. That was during a triumphant VICTORY. What do you want? Do nothing, Win nothing, Achieve nothing. For now we appeal to the anger and black comedic nature of the present, but eventually we will need to show the warmth and genuine love we have for our people. But no one ever seems to give a reason why.

Anonymous ID: 083141 March 14, 2021, 11:01 a.m. No.13204958   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

What makes you believe you are European, not just an Australian? WHEN YOU SEE THEM; WHEN YOU HEAR THEM; YOU WILL KNOW THEM, AS THEY ARE YOU, AND YOURS. VOTING IS MOB RULE AND MOB RULE IS MEDIA RULE AND MEDIA RULE IS CORPORATE RULE NGOs are directly involved in the genocide of the European people Beholden to no one and hiding their true intent behold a faux-religious facade, these NGO groups ferry the invaders to European shores aboard their own vessels, directly shipping this vast army straight into European nations to plunder, rape and ethnically displace the native European people. Within a short time regular and widespread political, social and racial violence will commence. White people are failing to reproduce, failing to create families, failing to have children. They will soon realize there are repercussions to being a race traitors. The countryside can wait, the cities need you, your youth needs you. If we wait until the majority of the boomers begin to pass (between 2028-2038 depending on individual nations and life expectancies) than it will be too little, too late. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. I could have chosen any weapons or means.A TATP filled rental van. Do not expect to survive, the only thing you should expect is a true war and to die the death of a true soldier.


So no, I don ’ t believe so. RETAKE THE CITIES, RETAKE YOUR BIRTHRIGHT Support Your Brother Nations When one country moves, you move with them, support them financially, politically, socially and physically. Those that are ethnically and culturally European. That difference was Ebba Akerlund. Everywhere I travelled, barring a few small exceptions, I was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. Eventually, when the white population of the USA realizes the truth of the situation, war will erupt.

>The idea that all it takes for a Han chinese man to become German is to be born on German soil is as insane as a German born on Mars becoming a Martian.