Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.1321749   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no problem, just put em back in for next bake, and delete older notables to make room as you go, it's ok that they fall off, they're archived in older breads anyway. good job!

oh, also you can see from the previous notables, copypaste the '" to get it bolded…

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.1321786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1801


looks in this case, not an attention ploy, but copypasting and no editing/revision/checking before posting

>>1321775 aw, come on, anon.

you copypasted your links, and didn't bother to notice that the u's were still there before posting.

at least you fixed the spacing from the first time you did that

learn/lurk moar pliz

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 4:29 p.m. No.1321851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1889


meh, the worst are those that do it on purpose.

i honestly think most are newfags/lazy/didn't notice.

i can't throw too much stones around on that because i've been had when i thought i'd checked and/or corrected before, but some shaming for it is indeed necessary

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 4:52 p.m. No.1322051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2117


haven't gone through it all, but there's a thread for

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

if you haven't heard of the Laurel Canyon connection, Morrison's father (saying that as a big fan of'em too, learning his lil ol daddy was a key player in the Gulf of Tonkin Movie was quite a surprise… though it had always been weird how he could just pretend to journalists that his parents had died and it somehow slipped by)…

anyway, just fyi

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.1322067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1321915 shameless repost to fix formatting


With perspective comes understanding. I would like to offer an important perspective.

Imagine you're by far the richest person in the world in the early 1800s. Your families successful business has spread all across Europe, providing loans, banking and investment services to governments and the public alike.

Imagine your family has continued its exponential wealth acquiring skills for over 200 years. Your families power and influence has spread all around the world. At this point in time, your family is directly involved with and directly/indirectly receives money from nearly every working person.

Imagine how over the years, your family has invested in many people, companies and governments alike.

Imagine how some of these people, companies and governments EARNED their investments. How they would offer percentages of profit to your family, or more importantly how they would promise their compliance with your family.

Your family, dating back to the 1800s, has only had one primary goal - Control all of the money at all cost.

Some people, companies and governments did not want to work with or comply with your powerful and influential family, which got in the way of your family controlling all of the money at all cost and thus these people would then be either bribed, threatened and or blackmailed into compliance.

If none of the above work, the obstacle will have to be removed.

Imagine another powerful, wealthy, influential family - who you can not bribe or blackmail into compliance - threatens to wipe out everything your family has ever worked for since the 1800s.

Wouldn't you do everything in your power to remove this threat? Wouldn't you use any tool at your disposal to remove the obstacle? I know I would.

What happens when the tools at your disposal involve people in the following - government officials, judges, celebrities, news stations, corporations, police officials, NSA, CIA, FBI etc?

Wouldn't you incentivize your tools to take down this threat?

What happens when all of your tools start breaking at a rate quicker than you can replace them? What happens when you run out of tools?

Well, the jobs can't continue. The power, influence and control is lost and thus the dynasty fades away.

What happens when your families 200+ year dynasty comes crashing down on you???

Literally nobody knows.

Nobody alive today knows what it's like to not live a life under the heels of the Rothschilds.

But it is happening before our eyes, and I am excited to find out what happens next.

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 4:59 p.m. No.1322104   🗄️.is 🔗kun



seconded. doesn't mean you are exiled from the general, don't take it like that.

pretty sure you and others will appreciate being able to focus and discuss undisturbed, things will still pop up here, no worries

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.1322128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2246



>OBL was not killed in Pakistan.

i agree, but just as they had many OBL/UBLs when the persona was alive, they had at least one man over there still playing the part.

to me, he's the one that got killed and disposed of fast, pretty self-explanatory

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.1322139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2183


>As for Morrison, closest voice to Elvis it seems.

hey i think you're the first other person i see saying that, nice, i'd also made the connection…

old Morrison would've been funny

Anonymous ID: 5faf8b May 6, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.1322207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2256

>>1322183 me twas listening to a thousanth (unspecified) live version of Light My Fire.. he's just so obviously a crooner, i wondered how it'd never hit me before… and in many other subtle (or not so) ways they had similarities…