I took a break for a week or two; anons, are there any must see posts / comms from this month I might have missed?
Also, who is "K"? The dude writing in quasi code/schizo speak, is that indicative of his writing style?
I took a break for a week or two; anons, are there any must see posts / comms from this month I might have missed?
Also, who is "K"? The dude writing in quasi code/schizo speak, is that indicative of his writing style?
at the behest of whom, I wonder.
If its the same Pentagon suit that lambasted Tucker, I wouldn't be surprised. I'd be more shocked if they actually investigated .
lab in Dulles
>> Dulles
If the agency is not on their side, I doubt much will come of that investigation.
I know there are 'signs' … but its difficult not to get demoralized. Less than 6 months and already, its worse than we thought it could be..