Who do you consider non-white? Were/are you “ right wing ”? This balkanization of the US will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the United States ensuring the future of the White race on the North American continent, but also ensuring the death of the “ melting pot ” pipe dream. Though I hold no great fear or distrust of other peoples. States hate other states, the electoral college is under attack at every turn and the races are at each others throats. The people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men. The internet, of course. Who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people. As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Were your beliefs influenced by any other attackers? A muslim man or woman living in their homelands? No.
To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable backlash as a result. The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People ’ s Republic of China. You can ’ t. His death will also drive a wedge between the Turk invaders currently occupying our lands and the ethnic European people whilst simultaneously weakening Turkeys hold on the region, removing a prime enemy of Russia and destabilizing and fracturing NATO. And what can we do to stop it? DO NOT FEAR CHANGE, WE ARE CHANGE Globalized capitalist markets are the enemy of racial autonomists If an ethnocentric European future is to be achieved global free markets and the trade of goods is to be discouraged at all costs.
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