Better yet…how about you work twice as hard to make half as much as 30 years ago
Not this shit again
FBI has zero credibility….how many citizens have they killed?
Contractors….kek…..mercenaries is correct term
Good thing about da Stasi arresting spring breakers, maybe some kids will get a clue how bad things are
Up till now, I think only small fish have been jailed, C_A agents, few low level diplomats, big fish can’t be hidden when they get busted
Egyptians and Carthage knew blacks were useless
Dem/commies always pander to blacks
Gonna catch a bunch of em
Internal server muh ass
China will ask for American surrender…..Biden will prob bow down
Shits gonna hit the fan very soon
Already happened….Marines tweeted about Tucker and boomers, then deleted it
Always the paper bag test….you gotta be darker than a paper bag to be black
Bunch of faggots trying to scare the public….
Turn off all the military equipment they make for US.