Anonymous ID: 8daa44 March 15, 2021, 9:44 p.m. No.13228743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ethnic autonomy? RADICALIZATION IS THE RATIONAL RESPONSE TO DEGENERATION The failure of Assimilation Expecting immigrants to assimilate to a dying, decadent culture is laughable. No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it. WITHOUT CHILDREN, THERE IS NO FUTURE There is no democratic Solution Understand here and now, there is no democratic solution, any attempt to vote your way out of Ethnic replacement will be met with at first with derision, then contempt and finally by force. Pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age. If not me, then who? South Africa with all its “ diversity ” is turning into a bloody backwater as its diversity increases, black on other black, black on white, white on black, black on Indian, doesn ’ t not matter, its ethnicity vs ethnicity. But the aftershock from my actions will ripple for years to come, driving political and social discourse, creating the atmosphere or fear and change that is required. The end result is a nation in gridlock, unable to respond to any great change, unable to commit to any great projects. Their loss was inevitable.I just accelerated things a bit. There is no single place in the West that is even close to reaching replacement level birthrates, let alone birthrates that indicate a level of vitality and vigour.


Look to the heart of the conflict, march yourself there, press yourself into service. The global and corporate ran press controls them, the education system (long since fallen to the long march through the institutions committed by the marxists) controls them, the state (long since heavily lost to its corporate backers) controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them. A muslim man or woman choosing to invade our lands live on our soil and replace our people? Who do you consider white? More often than not these NGOs hide their true intentions behind a facade of religiosity and only once you investigate into the leadership and governance of the NGO itself do you find the people running the show are in fact far from religious themselves and more often than not are actually atheistic cultural marxists using naive Christian Europeans to both labour and fund fund their own attempt at class and racial warfare. If a an individual is in ownership or control of a corporation or business, and advocates or even accepts the mass importation of non-whites to replace the native European populations, then that traitor must be destroyed.

>No one is inspired by Jeb Bush.


Best Korea

Anonymous ID: 8daa44 March 15, 2021, 9:44 p.m. No.13228773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil with all its racial diversity is completely fractured as a nation, where people can not get along and separate and self segregate whenever possible. Section I Addresses to various groups It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate. Monotonous repetition of immigration facts and statistics will simply bore the masses, and drive the people away from the stale and uninspired speakers that propagate them. Radical, explosive action is the only desired, and required, response to an attempted genocide. You're fucking dead, kiddo. They decry weakness, mock fecklessness and worship strength, and in this worship of strength they radicalize and find the solution. Do you believe you are better than these men? Prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss, struggle, death. DO NOT FEAR CHANGE, WE ARE CHANGE Globalized capitalist markets are the enemy of racial autonomists If an ethnocentric European future is to be achieved global free markets and the trade of goods is to be discouraged at all costs. When they demand you pay, refuse. They must be willing and wishing to be a part of this new future we envision.We can not, and should not, rely on oppression to encourage the population to fit this new paradigm.


March. Each year these degenerates are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, in our own cities and across the globe. Did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures? Every day we become fewer in number, we grow older, we grow weaker. Both would seek to destroy our nation, both would seek to displace and replace our people, both would seek to destroy our culture and nationhood. Win first, write the story later.



Best Korea

Anonymous ID: 8daa44 March 15, 2021, 9:44 p.m. No.13228805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For too long we have allowed the left to co-opt the environmentalist movement to serve their own needs. After an election cycle or two with certain Democratic victory, those remaining, non democratic voting, non brainwashed whites will see the future clear before them, and with this knowledge realize the impossibility of a diplomatic or political victory. If you are released we will find you and kill you, if you are in prison we will reach you there, if you try to hide these rapist scum we will kill you as well. WHEN YOU SEE THEM; WHEN YOU HEAR THEM; YOU WILL KNOW THEM, AS THEY ARE YOU, AND YOURS. For once, the person that will be called a fascist, is an actual fascist. All so that they could line their pockets without complaints or objections The nation? What do you encourage us to do? Ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer. You will be infamous until victory is achieved. We do not have the luxury of time like the left had, we must be ready to act, and act soon. The United States is in turmoil, more so that at any other time in history.


Within a short time regular and widespread political, social and racial violence will commence. I am not a direct member of any organization or group, though I have donated to many nationalist groups and have interacted with many more. Their loss was inevitable.I just accelerated things a bit. I mostly agree with Sir Oswald Mosley ’ s views and consider myself an Eco-fascist by nature. Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. Do these groups hold power/who are the people in these groups?



Best Korea