These NGO ’ s are the modern money changers inside the church, and must be driven out, by voice or by whip. The time for meekness has long since passed, the time for a political solution has long since passed. SHOW THEM THE WAY FORWARD There is no sheltered meadow There is nowhere left to run, turn around, face your enemy, make your stand. All so they need not carry any personal risk or struggle themselves. Why is that their non diverse nations do so much better than our own, and on so many different metrics? Break it ’ s back, anyway you can. Brazil with all its racial diversity is completely fractured as a nation, where people can not get along and separate and self segregate whenever possible. Please do not redistribute ” that proved their knowledge of their actions, and their guilt. Physical force is the ultimate form of support. Ebba was partially deaf, unable to hear the attacker coming. My parents are of Scottish, Irish and English stock.
We are coming for Constantinople and we will destroy every mosque and minaret in the city. A. Compliments will get you no where. A vote for a radical candidate that opposes your values and incites agitation or anxiety in your own people works far more in your favour than a vote for a milquetoast political candidate that has no ability or wish to enact radical change. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. We can fight the armed invader, we know how, we have the ability, we have the soldiers and arms to do so.
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