A Country divided cannot stand…..Who's in the trap
Biden's top 10 WORST executive orders
Feb 2, 2021 2:43 PM EST
Memorandum on Protecting Women's Health at Home and Abroad
This executive order effectively rescinds the "Mexico City Policy," which was the ban on US government funding for nonprofit organizations around the world that perform or promote abortions. Not only does the US government have no business in utilizing taxpayer dollars to fund abortions—something with which the majority of the US public vehemently disagrees—but Biden does this in the name of women having "access to the healthcare they need." Global abortion, funded by US taxpayers, is not healthcare women need.
Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis
This order essentially canceled the Keystone XL pipeline in the name of protecting the environment. Halting the Keystone XL pipeline demonstrates a grievous misunderstanding of the importance of the oil and gas industry to America's goals of remaining energy-independent. It also cost thousands of American workers their jobs, as well as tens of thousands of Canadian jobs
Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government
This order sounds important and focused: What could be more important than racial equity after the year we've had? Unfortunately, it's an obvious attempt to virtue signal and continue to teach our nation's children false information based on radical, political agendas. This order rescinds the Trump administration's 1776 Commission, which was an effort to teach kids an accurate portrayal of our nation's incredible heritage. With this order, Biden ensures that critical race theory will continue to be taught as fact in public schools.
Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation
This is one of Biden's most damaging orders because it reads into a Supreme Court decision far beyond what the Justices allowed, and thus reaches far outside discrimination laws. On the basis of trying to "prevent workplace discrimination," Biden effectively pens the floodgates for transgender males to co-opt privacy, safety, and fair play of biological females. Because of this order, federally funded schools must let biological males who identify as transgender compete against biological females in sports—until such time as a federal court intervenes.
Executive Order on Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve Their Country in Uniform
This executive order reverses the Trump administration's ban on transgender Americans joining the military. While it hasn't made much of a stir, it's a terrible order based again on social justice issues rather than something far more vital: national security. Trump's ban was not steeped in bigotry nor did he break any discrimination laws. The ban was based on the idea that the only goal of the US military is to keep Americans safe. A myriad of medical conditions, including something as minor as pancreatitis, can disqualify a person from joining the military. Transgender people struggle with their gender identity. Trump's order said that until that is resolved, they should be unable to join on the basis of mental health. It is not the military's role to be a social experiment, but to prioritize safety—everything outside that is politics.