Truth is the door to freedom.
Same here. Pot intake at record levels! Winning!
Hehe… let this be a lesson. Vigilance is its own reward. Watch your back, anon.
John Oliver Outs Tucker Carlson As White Supremacist In Damning Segment
ohn Oliver spent the bulk of his show on Sunday night dismantling Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who he called “the most prominent vessel in America for white supremacist talking points.”
Oliver noted that Carlson uses a mix of questions and coded language to cover himself and “build in deniability.”
But the host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” said the pattern over the years has so been clear that the white supremacists themselves have praised Carlson.
In one case, Oliver pointed out, Carlson even made a not-so-thinly veiled allusion to the infamous “14 words” of the white supremacist movement.
Oliver also showed clips of how Carlson portrayed U.S. Capitol rioters as mere concerned citizens, versus how he treated Black Lives Matter protesters, who he said are “criminal mobs” who “don’t contribute to the common good, they never have.”
he doesn't have a vaccination card!…
When gun control activist, David Hogg, announced that he would be launching his own pillow company to compete with pro-Trump Mike Lindell's MyPillow, excitement ensued. The news came as Lindell continued to push false claims that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential elections. Hogg announced he would be starting the company with tech entrepreneur, William LeGate.
LeGate first contacted Hogg through Twitter to "put MyPillow out of business," adding in another tweet, "We are considering airing a commercial on Fox News immediately following MyPillow ads… my ad buyer says it is unlikely they’ll let us do that, though, since Fox News relies on MyPillow & if MyPillow goes under, it could also really hurt Fox News." Hogg responded that if they were planning to put MyPillow out of business, they should hire their factory workers as "they got families."
so your saying everything's gonna be alright…