So no, I don ’ t believe so. I will be forgotten quickly. To see this in full effect, you only have to look at the population statistics in Western nations for the year 2100. https: // (U nited_Nations, _medium_fertility_variant) In 2100, despite the ongoing effect of sub-replacement fertility, the population figures show that the population does not decrease inline with the sub-replacement fertility levels, but actually maintains and, even in many White nations, rapidly increases. Not Yet! The survival of our people, our culture and our lands isn ’ t enough. But it will take take some time, time we do not have due to the crisis of mass immigration. DIVERSITY IS WEAKNESS, UNITY IS STRENGTH Radicalization of Western men The radicalization of young Western men is not just unavoidable, but inevitable. These writing, and their coverage, are just a bonus. Do not suffer under the delusion of a Democratic victory, prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss and struggle, as it is the only path to Victory. RADICALIZATION IS THE RATIONAL RESPONSE TO DEGENERATION The failure of Assimilation Expecting immigrants to assimilate to a dying, decadent culture is laughable. In this time period a series of events broke down my own reserves, my reservations, my cynicism and revealed the truth of the Wests current situation.
Australia, just like the rest of the colonies of Europe, is simply an off-shoot of the European people. Within a short time regular and widespread political, social and racial violence will commence. They are the most despised group of invaders in the West, attacking them receives the greatest level of support. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. There is no pleasant meadow in which you can lay down your weary body, rest your head and wait for it all to blow over.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers