Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, well soon will come the time. But only one has the ability and only one has shown to be effective at doing so. CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD. REMOVE THE INVADERS, RETAKE EUROPE You wait for a signal, whilst your people wait for YOU Whilst you wait for a sign, a signal; someone to take up the spear; to cry out in alarm, your people wait on YOU. No, I simply do not care all that much what gay people do.As long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then I have no issues. Something, this time, was different. To return to replacement fertility levels is priority number one. So these young men and women see this suicidal nihilism and isolate themselves from this mainstream, “ multicultural ”, egalitarian, individualistic insanity and look for allies anywhere they can find them, in the flesh or online. Was the attack “ xenophobic ” in orgin? We do not have the luxury of time like the left had, we must be ready to act, and act soon. Did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures?
A a one-point-seven percentage point difference may mean something to a few, but a ingeniously worded expression or brilliantly crafted poster will convince the many. In this hell the individual is all and the race is worthless, something to rail against and use whenever possible, a power structure to climb, or topple. Refuse to pay taxes. Merkel, the mother of all things anti-white and anti-germanic, is top of the list. Through our own actions and speech we shall show them a new path. This is a tactic practiced not only on the French people, but on all the peoples of Europe, effectively destroying the nations identity at its core and smashing apart all bonds which a successful, unified nation is built upon.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers