illiterati on this board and elsewhere keep prattling on about RNA and DNA and viruses and vaccines, and as far as i can see, NONE of them have a clue. covid is an RNA virus, yes. but it's not just a molecule of RNA floating around the environment. that wouldn't last a NY second. the RNA is coiled up and encased in a PROTEIN COAT. after this encapsulated viral particle gets into a body, it's the PROTEIN COAT that "unlocks" the door of a cell's membrane and allows the entire encapsulated viral body to enter the cell. only then is the PROTEIN COAT stripped away releasing the enclosed RNA, which can then hijack the cells transcription and translation machinery to make copies of itself, and encase each of them in its own PROTEIN COAT before the cell ruptures and releases the copies of the virus to infect other cells. the immune response is NOT to the viral RNA, because the immune system never "sees" the RNA, it only "sees" the PROTEIN COAT. that's how real vaccines have always been made, with bits and pieces of the PROTEIN COAT, not the genetic material inside. the mRNA vax they are pushing for covid is NOT a vaccine at all, because the idea of stimulating an immune response to the RNA of a virus is prima facie nonsensical! the vax containing mRNA is NOT a true vaccine at all, IT IS A VIRUS. it's function is to infect you and wreak genetic havoc in your cells.