Meanwhile the “ diverse ” nations across the world are scenes of endless social, political, religious and ethnic conflict. The french people were often in a minority themselves, and the french that were in the streets were often alone, childless or of advanced age. I want you in my sights. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. When they ask why, you tell them why. Was there a political figure or party in history you most associate yourself with? If not me, then who? Destroyed in the name of cheap labour, whilst they may publicly object to the illegal immigration of the third world masses, privately they push for as much migration as possible, anything to decrease the labour cost of production and line their pockets with the profits. There is not a single place left where the tendrils of replacement migration have not touched. Depending on the definition, sure. All I know is the certainty of my will and the necessity of my cause.
Children are always innocent, do you not think you are a monster for killing an innocent? The natural environment? Western Culture? Why make your children fight, when you could fight in their stead? Anything else is a defeat. If a an individual is in ownership or control of a corporation or business, and advocates or even accepts the mass importation of non-whites to replace the native European populations, then that traitor must be destroyed. As by this time the invaders and occupiers of lands, non-Europeans, numbers will swollen to a staggering size, due to both mass immigration and the differing birthrates between the native European people and these invaders.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers