Thank you Baker, that was some fire ass baking!!
OK, just gross…
WHY??? Every fucking bread…
Can I get a HELL to the YES??
Voted YES!! C'mon Anons affect their survey…
Voted, Thanks for the heads up. We should shit up their vote for sure :)
You Faggots the shit, keep it up while Imake Pizza Rolls, LMFAO
Haha, Our dick is bigger than yours :)
Thank You Anon :)
Got to copy/paste
Highlight, Then Control C - to Paste in the browser do Control V
If using Mac, replace Control with Command
Spanking bitches!! Keep it up faggots :)
Kek!! Patriot!
Anons, copy pasta this link in you browser and FUCKING VOTE… Show your voice
NO FUCKERY in link, just DO IT
Stop Nigga, just do it, safe… No rubber needed
Thank you Patriot FaggotAnon
What?? Big dicks?? Where?
I am not trying to start a gender war on here, but the end of the bread is near…
Dicks or GTFO!!
Just fucking with you faggots, yes I am a girl but FUCK OFF, we all the same…
I do not feel bad about shitting "filling" up the end of a bread…
I love all of you faggots anyway…