I just watched a yt video with man-on-the-street interviews. People were shown a picture of a swastika and asked what the symbol means.
All but one person had no idea what a swastika was or who Hitler was!
Not sure how to process.
I just watched a yt video with man-on-the-street interviews. People were shown a picture of a swastika and asked what the symbol means.
All but one person had no idea what a swastika was or who Hitler was!
Not sure how to process.
Japanese don't know about Hitler…
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qV7xbAVOY0
Hill's Fav in NZ!
Right. I got all that, but aren't they taught about WWII in school? On second thought, I doubt I would recognize any Japanese symbols of the era. I would however recognize Hirohito.
stuck at 67