==We Have Rights - DO NOT concede this.
I’m not trying to be edgy or whatever here this is serious.==
With recent vaccinations becoming more widespread our rights are actually about to slip away.
You have to share your knowledge and you have to stand for your rights. No question.
If you want the vaccine that is okay, I do not care, and neither should you. If you do not want the vaccine I do not care, and neither should you.
IT DOES NOT MATTER IF THE VACCINE IS GOOD FOR YOU OR NOT, it is a personal choice because it is OUR right.
There is way more conversation about forcing vaccinations, and how people who don’t get the vaccine are putting people at risk and are “committing a crime”
The Government should not able to control what we eat, just like they shouldn’t be able to control what other foreign substances we put in our body. It should be up to the individual with his own free will and Liberty.
The United States is turning into a nation of NPCs.
You need to say no. If it comes down to it we won’t fly, let the airlines go bankrupt. We will quit our jobs. If it comes down to it stop paying your taxes. The Government is going to attempt an overreach akin, if not worse, than 9/11.
This isn’t even about health anymore, it is about our Liberty.