7 fucking e-bakes and you claim q posts here cause you're smart.
Bunch of mentally defective father raping bigots.
7 fucking e-bakes and you claim q posts here cause you're smart.
Bunch of mentally defective father raping bigots.
>Here's the document the plan is based on faggot.
>Now go kill yourself and do it right this time.
>Across the wrist is for attention, down the wrist is for the morgue.
I present to you. Retard of the day. Nice post bigot.
>The idea of both being a source of truth is interesting to me. In both instances, a small group of people spread "the truth"
>Just something to think about…
The truth of q-tard will not be found here.
>Trump took out Fauci with the vaccine.
Oh, is that why Faucci is still around moran.
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you are quite the genius q-tard.
>shut up. if the info is true; who cares who presents it.
None of it is true dumb-fuck. That's the point.
All autists should be killed to purify the gene pool
Just like you useless pathetic mentally defective autists.
>No shit Sherlock. Why isn't Q posting doe.
Q's mission is done. He made retards feel special and you convinced the rest to do nothing why the DS solidified power.
>>>13239679 (You)
>No way bruh.
>Death to all normies.
>The Kekistan army will wipe all of them out.
You dumb father fuckers can't even run a stupid message board. Kill yourself for the greater good. You can do it tard.
>The vaccine injections they push will just make moar.
Then we just need bigger ovens. And don't waste the money or gas. Just drop them in the pits while alive.
>h g wells was very big into eugenics
>was very excited to get rid of the useless eaters
>today he would be hanging with gates , scwab and fauci
They are absolutely correct. Autists need to be removed from society.
>Has anyone seen Joe? Kamala is flying to meetings that happen in odd ways, and now she's being met at JBA by an E4B.
An you actually saw here get off a place and get in the E4 and watched it take off.
Beyond fucking stupid.
>You always make up stuff?
I made up nothing. You're the one with the retarded idea that HOTUS is on an E4.
Another tard to be cleansed from the earth.