And that's if their original plan to just keep lowering "age of consent" until it's legal.
Sick bastards.
https ://
Fresh memes
to go with 5.4 drop
Wow. Shills switching it up on us.
WallOfVomitedDetailfag must be nextgen bot.
And the provoking femfag is also quite the joy.
So I'll just leave this here and hit the sack borthers.
Europe is the most blackpilling of the dire state of Western Civ. I use them as my primary red-pill tool when discussing the gun debate with normies. Agreed they fucked themselves, but they're still brothers, and lots of good ones deserve to have the yoke removed. Was glad to hear the cabal was being taken down WW. Americans are their own brand of rowdy, though, built into the cake. No surprise we're the last stand. Eurofags used to make fun of our courseness, but tough has a useful side.
Oh man.
How the hell did an SFfag end up here?
Do not envy you that fog of groupthink.
The poz is strong with that lot.
Couldn't take it anymore.
Anon is right. Naming (((them))) is the final and hardest red-pill. So long as you pretend not to notice plain truths, cognitive dissonance will keep you confused. We've all been there, 99% of us hit that block for a bit. But desire for the whole truth powered us forward. Do the research. You'll be glad you did.
You may have to use synonyns out in normieville, but not here.