If speaking the truth makes me a "Nazi", then Seig Heil, motherfucker.
The normies are waking…
#4 post on the front page… Comments are lit.
https://old. reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/8hhw3k/silence_is_deafening_the_media_wont_cover_allison/
"COMMIE, WE'RE COMING FOR YOU" - Johnny Trutsheed
These people are disgusting.
Submit the link the proper way… (Broken)… and I'll watch.
You get a star.
Larry Silverstien… The only name you need to know regarding 9/11.
No complaints here, anon.
When was Israel not trash?
Here's some food for thought… Hezbollah and Israel are BOTH trash.
To hell with both of them.
Oh, I know…
However, show me a Jew who is truly a Jew, today… Nearly all have been cucked by the Talmudist.
They putting those kids under anesthesia?
In your dreams, you Talmudist, pedo-fuck.
The goyim know. Your synagogue is toast, chump. Wait for it.
Listen to these fucking creeps…
All pedo-trafficking roads lead to Israel, and this Talmudist, piece of shit is over here talking about, "Israel will win".
Well… Q, says we're "saving Israel for last". I guess this makes you an enemy of Q and everyone here.
Good luck with that.
Ding, ding, ding.