“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” ~Edward Snowden
“John Lennon’s killer claimed voices kept saying 'do it, do it' over and over again.
T.A.M.I.* came online in 1976, and John Lennon was killed in 1980.” ~Department of Defense Whistleblower, From the Out of Print Book: The Matrix Deciphered
This is a book written by Robert Duncan (The Saint).
It is non-fiction and original research.
“Remember. All I offer you is the truth.”
~Morpheus, The Matrix
*Secret #2. But more profoundly, he discovered that he could influence brain waves if precisely timed with a return training signal. He had no idea that at this moment in history, he had accidentally destroyed democracy as we envision it to be. The military and surveillance community immediately picked up on the patent and within two years had reprogrammed their communications and surveillance satellites and terrestrial phased arrays with the new concepts. The rapid deployment of this technology occurred because it only required software changes in already existing radar, imaging, and communications‟ terrestrial dishes and satellites. Many additional spy satellites have been launched since to bolster the system. So in 1976, on the bicentennial of this great nation, a system called TAMI was born. TAMI is an acronym for “Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface”. A more invasive “Big Brother” technology came about before George Orwell‟s prediction of 1984.