I loathe that neocon shill.
"A Closer Look".. As in wake up mofos I'm dropping hints here!!
Dear god, like that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.
That's a fuckin crazy ass response. Who exactly would cause problems internationally just by releasing certain information? "Interfere in ongoing investigations"? Barry or HRC?
any particular reason besides the obvious?
Holy shit! They just dropped an unannounced bomb!
Well, what's new to me is seeing that not only did she have SAP's on the server but that they were SENT over EMAIL.
Gotta be something brewing with POTUS quiet and no schedule tomorrow, along with silence from Q.
Procreate! We need the numbers!
Hopefully locking up asshole Molech worshipping fucktards.
Fucking propagandists at 60 min have been beating on Assad for 7 yrs.
Oh….good point.
I filtered. It was spamming the thread.