POTUS is our example. Netanahu's hand held tight to his heart.
Oh, you're picking up all right.
POTUS is showing Netanahu and the world that the US and Israel are faithful friends and allies to the end.
The POLL is NOT closed. Keep voting patriots. >>1324239
so, 68 to 25 is already amazing. tweet store …bombs away
POTUS is our example. Hold Israel tight to our hearts as POTUS holds Netanahu's hand tight to his. Jew shills can take a long walk off a short pier.
POTUS knows. He holds Netanahu's hand tight to his heart. bye bye Jew hate shills
Triggered? this isn't your safe space anon. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
Maybe go out for a little walk, it'll help you calm down, or has it been years since you've left the basement?