Speaking of lies. Your fucking LARP has about gone far enough.
Firstyou encourage people who are good-hearted but have the average intelligence of potato to take a vaccine. Whether or not the media reports about vaccine deaths are true, isn't the fucking point. If you're going to talk, speak the fucking truth or STFU. You SHOULD not have said a damn word about vaccines. Just keep your fucking mouth shut. Now YOU'RE going to be killing Nana like Cuomo because they love and trust you and will do anything you say.
Second. Being assigned to Marine Barracks was THE biggest deal, the most sought after assignment, the brightest FITTEST, best looking poster boys for the USMC. It was a thing to be proud of as a Marine. Those fine young men representing us. Then I see the fat fucks in blues ribbons and medals SALUTING that fucking CGI LARP and I'm thinking how far we've fallen. Those fat fucks can't even do a pullup let alone be awarded a medal or ribbon for anything other that drinking beer and fishing. WTAF is this shit?
If those guys are really Marines, you bring shame on the USMC with those FAT nasty-looking-in-uniform fucks, SHAME on Marine Barracks! IF they are are actors and not Marines, STOLEN VALOR is illegal. Wearing ribbons/medals you are not entitled to is against the law, and holding out TO THE PUBLIC that they are Marines is a disgrace to the Corps. Chesty is rolling over n his grave. Movies are one thing, but holding this out to be REAL is shaming all who've served.
Yes, yes, the ludicrous headlines, maternity flight suits. Join up and get your dick hacked off for free. Again, you bring shame and embarrassment to all who serve and have served this country. This is NOT a precipice, this is active duty men and women serving their country being made a mockery of.
The Secret Service have evolved. Glad you took note of the FUCKING OBVIOUS and told the FAT FUCKS to wear dress clothes to work. Now, perhaps a few earpieces?
At least have Biden announce he's switching from Marines to Chair Force….Army, or Navy guards, no one will bother with them being fat and unsightly. But the Marines? Fuck you very much.
Can't wait to hear you debate Markle. SRSLY? just STFU and stop talking. It's not funny anymore. It was funny a month ago.
On top of everything the PAYriots are doing nothing but robbing people blind in YOUR name. Wayne R. Willott had better have a warrant with his name on it. Simone Parks, can we please make sure he gets off world to his Space Pussy? Charlie Ward is batshit insane.
Every "Christian" on Jewtube thinks Jesus is coming to save them SOONISH and the "words of knowledge/profitcy is off the fucking charts. The ascension tards think Aliens are coming, and when you say "precipice" did you mean civil war? suicides of financially ruined people? people who already MET the precipice and jumped?
Oh, I get the fucking plan…I get OPSEC, I get keeping people off balance, but JAYSUS, there's got to be a limit. YOUR family is nice, safe, and sound, I think that's the rub. Did you forget the millions and MILLIONS of other Americans who haven't known safe and sound since god knows when? Who are hanging by a thread? Keep fucking pushing…how many, exactly need to jump before the USPS finishes up their shit?
A blind man can see Biden isn't even fucking dog catcher so why the fuck drag it out any longer? WHO is running our country? Military? well, after the performance of the fattest Marine Barracks representatives in the history of Marine Barracks, and the sudden rush of gender reassignment surgeries, pardon me if I'm not getting the warm and fuzzies here. Also damn the NG is fat too. Time to go back to the old rules. I suppose if the strategy is to have them sit on the chinks…
And FUCK the glowniggers. FUCK THEM. Look in this kid's eyes and tell me he's not been fucked with.
SALLLLUUUTE..TheFew, the FAT the Marinesbecause that shit isn't anything to be proud of.