Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 6:43 p.m. No.13246444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6451 >>6467 >>6507 >>6769 >>6809 >>6901

>>13246337 (pb)

>Light workers are like a human "bug zapper" as negatives are attracted to your Light. Know yourself and ability to blind them, reflect it back and raise your frequency so the little bugs no longer bother you.

Lightworkers are LITERALLY RETARDS making everything worse.

Literally making everything worse. They bought into the Archon meme of "fighting dark with light" which is exactly what they love.

Newton's Third Law.

The idea of "eradicating evil" by FIGHTING it is stupid af.


By fighting it you only make it REACT stronger. YIN YANG=a being in perfect balance…is that ALL WHITE?


Thanks for killing the world following meme assholes on the Internet "teaching you the truth"….you;re literally feeding the dark your energy. Babies should never play with shit they don't understand.


Yin-yang..perfect desired balance

OUT of balance fulcrum=what you've done to the world. The harder you beam your fucking light the worse you make it.

A world in balance with itself includes both light and dark.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 6:52 p.m. No.13246513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6593 >>6694 >>6968


I don't think you understand what "the word" is.


I hesitate to even bother to school you.



>"I don't recall him ever being with a female,


Which explains the strong sense of conflict and hope of the Christian cure….and totally fucks the glownigger narrative that he had a sex addiction.


They fucked with this kid's mind. Look at his eyes. Wonder if it's possible to find out of he ever got tested for Wuflu?

4chan thread, spa/whorehouse insider proves my "feels" re this "shooting" being a way to get the evidence out of the spas before white hats raided. CAMERAS everywhere.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:03 p.m. No.13246600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6604 >>6607 >>6651 >>6696 >>6727 >>6754 >>6793


Did I say it was evil? the mistake "Lightworkers" make IS EXACTLY assuming all dark is evil and working to eliminate it. Wouldn't you fight back?


tl;dr. lighworkers are jewtube followers of "this truth" that "truth" engineered by Archons that feed on that energy and only grow stronger. Essentially the fucking channelers who channel shit they only ID because "it told me it was good" and have created a energy farm to feed dark energies.


If you're a jewtube follower you literally know nothing.

t. generational medicine carrier taught in person by generational elders who know shit.


Lightworkers believe they're light and ignore their natural dark side. And, in their ego and arrogance actually have convinced themselves with the help of their channeling jewtube masters, that they're doing a good thing.


Read "Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Debbie Ford. You won't get past the first chapter.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13246632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709


Frequency. Watch the parasite die when this is broadcast at them.

Do one 3x a week for 2 weeks, drink lots of water, stop all carbs/sugar (keto is good).


After 2 weeks with 1 frequency switch to the next one. NEVER EVER work with more than one frequency at a time.

t. when you didn't believe your elder when they began teaching you frequency and you ran a bunch one right after the other….until ….you end up saying "Grandfather WTF didn't you tell me this had side effects?" and Grandfather says "you didn't believe me about frequency and you surely wouldn't have believed me re side effects, until you experienced them for yourself."

1 at a time.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:11 p.m. No.13246651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>oh look a bot

Nailed you didn't I. The difference between jewtube followers and traditional medicine carriers is ancient knowledge direct from the mouths and memory of the elder…not some fucking Jewtube tool channeling Archons who think they're channeling "aliens". KEK…you're pathetically easy to spot.


>tl;dr. lighworkers are jewtube followers of "this truth" that "truth" engineered by Archons that feed on that energy and only grow stronger. Essentially the fucking channelers who channel shit they only ID because "it told me it was good" and have created a energy farm to feed dark energies.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:15 p.m. No.13246676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6705 >>6855 >>7009 >>7058 >>7073


>You heard that the Biden Dems are looking at a wealth tax that will take everything you saved in your 401K and give everyone a pittance to survive on.

That's called a "haircut" and they already did that to Europeans to bail out the banks. Literally took the money in their accounts.


>Bank depositors who suffered a ‘haircut’ back in 2013 when the Cypriot banking system collapsed and took legal recourse are feeling that justice has evaded them once again. And that this time, they have been additionally burdened with legal expenses they were ordered to pay to lawyers of the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) and the Ministry of Finance.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:22 p.m. No.13246714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6730


If you think praying destroys tech and physical parasites…well, talk about the long con. But carry on.


Wormwood is not the end all be all in parasite killing. Type, life cycle, vector….all very important. You must first ID any creatures in alimentary system THEN change diet, then go on a murder spree.


Pure gum spirits if pine tar is also effective. (Commonly called turpentine and what my entire fam used to line up and take a good healthy dose every month back in the "olden days"…NOT the turpentine at the hardware store. Also pure natural kerosene used to kill them. There's a potion in central America that murders tf out of bot fly larva….called Kangaroo and it has kerosene in it.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:29 p.m. No.13246750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766


ONE at a time. 1….at least I'm warning you…Grandfather knows I learn the hard way and knew I didn't believe him. It was 10/10 fucking unfun and I was pissed af at him. KEK.


I was taught this stuff ages and ages ago…funny seeing it come into general knowledge.

(beware 528…I think if memory serves, they have that one wrong).


Although monk pic related is not a good example, it should give you a CLUE as to what many mandalas are…see cymatic table? Get it? This one is just an "artistic" mandala….but the cymatic mandalas are literally everywhere n ancient carvings, especially around "temples".


Damn I'm gonna get da zap for tellin this shit.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:34 p.m. No.13246784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6795 >>6801 >>6811 >>6826 >>6843 >>6969 >>7078


Oh….I know…trust me I know. NOW make sure you're clean because eggs, life cycles….and liver flukes in particular are very very wily.


Personally I recommend a multi prong approach.



rotate herbal dewormers 3x dat 2 weeks each


organic tobac


blackwalnut hull

pine gum spirits

ancient chinese sekrit herbal blend from traditional chinese doctor


Rinse and repeat. It can take as long as a year to clear if you've got a good infestation, and in particular if you have anal sex and or have ascaris…..ascaris is literally the death knell.

If your infestation is serious







Americans are full of parasites. They've zero idea that their pets are literally killing them.


There's a reason TRUMP has no pets.


Parasites literally cause cancer.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:47 p.m. No.13246843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6876


Vid ted talk related…parasitic mind control. How nature's little monsters tell YOU what to do.


Reality really is dangerous to you isn't it?


I'm sorry did the many videos I posted not pass through your parasitic mind block? No silver spoons to feed you with. Do your own fucking research.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:51 p.m. No.13246873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6881


>You ever dealt with parasites anon?

I just love the deniers. eat 1/4 RAW pumpkin seeds a day. Poop into metal mesh strainer. (fine screen) swish….panic. Identify, then research type, vector, lifecycle, then go in for the kill.


IF you have an ndoor/outdoor pet you have parasites whether or not you deworm the pet. Rover shits outside rolls in juicy raccoon turd. Eggs stick to fur. Rover comes in and jumps in bed….oh hell to the fucking NO. WIpe your dogs off…fur, feet…if you orally deworm them, if you don't deworm your pet, just die. You'll come down with one form of cancer or another. Crazy Cat Lady is a meme for a reason. Indoor/outdoor cats are the worst. I can't even….blows my mind.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:55 p.m. No.13246899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6964


You don't kill parasites with blood alkalinity. If you have parasite caused cancer all the baking soda and ACV in the world isn't going to help.


HOWEVER restoring gut health post killing of parasites is important. Brew up a nice fire cider brew to take when you're finished. ACV baking soda then of course.But it won't cure parasites. If you think it will….nope.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 7:57 p.m. No.13246913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6923 >>6947


>He set them against each other.

Which is exactly what I said. Never beam light at them. I was taught to "airbend" around them, foster a strike when "surrounded" step out of the way in the nick of time.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 8:08 p.m. No.13246985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7012 >>7025


I use raw pumpkin seeds to PROVE to people they have them. The seeds paralyze their jaws, they drop off and come out in poop and are mostly whole and often alive which helps in the ID phase. You have GOT to identify them before choosing treatment.


One lady called me freaking tf out because a live ascaris escaped the strainer when she panicked and dropped it upon seeing it in there…

"it's swimming how can I catch it…."

fun times.


Freqs can also harm if you have a HEAVY load of ascaris as an example. They scatter and try to escape the killing and shit in panic, the body surrounds the shit, encapsulates and collects it and it become a "tumor"

t. you send someone for an ultrasound to determining ascaris load…only to discover….the ultrasound freq caused mass ascaris shitting which formed a softball sized breast tumor literally over night.


Scattering and herxing from parasites is HORRIFIC. That's why many prefer the sugar/terp cure because they LOVE sugar and they gobble it up then die. Tricky.


This lady ended up in a Cleveland Clinic study and at one time they had an article on their site re parasites and beast cancer….but they had to take it down. It's still sekrit. Also lady was so infested with Ascaris that (skinny legs big belly…) her only option was chemo….and double mastectomy (her oncologist 10/10 knew and discussed parasite/cancer with her because "you already know"…but others freak out…) and she had dead ascaris coming out her chest drains post surgery. ON top of that other women in her "chemo group" would talk about long white worm things coming in their chest drains….and out their ass during chemo, which kills them all (and you too).

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 8:18 p.m. No.13247039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If hot food killed parasites People in India would not take Abendazolevery few months. It's banned in US…OTC in India…etc.


We deworm horses against ascaris every three months…not to CURE them but to kill the adults so the animal doesn't develop a "knot" blockage.


If you want to see what ascaris surgery on humans looks like do an "ascaris roundworm surgery" hunt on jewtube. I won't bother posting, they've made most of them viewable only sign in.


Getting ascaris and getting a LOAD is literally the kiss of death for humans. Morticians, coroners…never, ever EVER mention parasites. However, once seen, it can NEVER be unseen.


Americans literally die of this shit by the thousands each year. There's A LOT to be said re our ancestor taking a "tonic" every month….like NA's get diabetes because they forgot their medicine tonic, cedarberry tea/extract. I make it and it will literally cure diabetes. All it takes is mason jar, pack with fresh off the tree CEDARberries (don't confuse with juniper perries, that's for prostrate/urine) muddle the berries, cover with everclear or other high-test alcohol. Let sit, shake every few days for few months. Strain off…put in dropper bottle. Find your own dose by starting small, keep eye on need for insulin….keep working it until you don't need insulin anymore…and don't re fuck yourself with bad diet. Shut your piehole and cut off the damn fry bread.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.13247071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7131


It can help with herxing for sure.


ONE thing..I strongly suspected that lady had roundworm and I used pumpkin seed to GENTLY paralyze a few then when ID by sight I had her go to GP for ultrasound to see how bad the infestation was. (yikes…oops)…it would have ended badly either way tho…she was INFESTED bigely. Had I just had her start on killing them her KNOT would have died and caused a deadly intestinal blockage.


This shit isn't for the faint of heart.


BTW she was "mental" too.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 8:24 p.m. No.13247088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do that here and see what happens. I've had people drop a live on on top of their turd sent to the lab. Results? Nothing to see here. I'm not kidding.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 8:30 p.m. No.13247133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7147


>Parasites are in food,

PROPER washing and cooking of food is important. As well as regular deworming. IMHO pets are the silent killer in the US. Fido goes out for his morning pooh, rolls around in raccoon shit (the most common in both country/cities) in yards….and carries the eggs right into the house on its fur and feet…then it proceeds to lick its ass then give the baby kisses and all the adults go…aweeee. I fucking want to murder people who do that.


Do you have pets?




do you deworm them


Do you sleep with them?


do you Kiss them?


you have creatures period.


I have seen some shit bro…watch that ted talk….why do people crave sugars and carbs and have no energy? why are obese people suffering from malnutrition? Why the plague of obesity? We don't deworm regularly anymore.


ONE bit of the wrong piece of lettuce…and it's curtains.

That western medicine SUCKS at diagnosing? Go look at the case of the UK lad that ate a garden slug on a dare… the time they finally diagnosed him correctly (even after he TOLD them he ate the slug) he had Rat lung fever set into his spine. He's dead.

Anonymous ID: 76b713 March 17, 2021, 8:35 p.m. No.13247162   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Diatomaceous earth (food grade) is literally death by a thousand cuts to ADULT parasites. BUT you must first ID what type you have. If you have liver flukes and take DE it's not going to get into your liver. It also does not kill eggs. 1 female round worm lays 250K eggs. It's great once you've ID'd, know they're in your alimentary tract….slices and dices adults, helps absorb toxins they release….but you've got a whole other ball game with eggs.