Optional Pre-GRS Procedures
Surgical Procedures
Chest Masculinization
Phalloplasty / Metoidoplasty
Details on phalloplasty
Buttock Reduction
F2M Surgery Instructions
Phalloplasty FAQs
Non-Surgical Procedures & Services
Pre & Post Op Instructions
Price List
Female to Male Price List
Description Surgery Hospital/Anesthesia Total
Blepharoplasty (eyelids upper and lower) 6,500 2,500 2.0 hr 9,000
Blepharoplasty (upper or lower) 3,800 2,200 1.5 hr 6,000
Rhinoplasty 6,500 2,500 2.0 hr 9,000
Rhinoplasty w/Septoplasty 7,500 2,800 2.5 hr 10,300
Facelift (Rhytidoplasty) 10,500 4,000 4.5 hr 14,500
Mini Facelift 6,500 3,100 3.0 hr 9,600
Liposuction of neck 1,500 1,900 1.0 hr 2,400
Chin augmentation 3,500 1,900 1.0 hr 5,400
Cheek augmentation 3,500 1,900 1.5 hr 5,400
Forehead/Brow Lift w/ bony contouring 4,500 2,200 1.5 hr 6,700
Top (Breast) and Body Surgery
Description Surgery Hospital/Anesthesia Total
Subcutaneous mastectomy w/ minimal skin reduction & areolar reduction (periareolar incision) 5,000 2,800 2.5 hr 7,800
Subcutaneous mastectomy w/moderate skin reduction,
areolar reduction & elevation (lollipop incision) 6,000 2,800 * 2.5 hr 8,800
Subcutaneous mastectomy w/large skin reduction, areolar reduction & elevation (anchor incision or peri-areolar & submammary “double” incision) 7,500 3,400 * 3.5 hr 10,900
Liposuction 1,000-1,500/area varies w/size & # of areas varies
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) 7,200 3,100 3.0 hr 10,300
Mini-Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) 4,500 2,500 2.0 hr 7,000
Bottom Surgery
Description Surgery Hospital/Anesthesia Total
Metoidioplasty (clitoral release) 4,200 2,200 1.5 hr 6,400
Groin Flap Phalloplasty 9,500 *
Abdominal Flap Phalloplasty 10,500 *
with transposition and incorporation of meta or clitoris add $1,500
Testicular implants (pair) add $1,500 *
Penile Implant – hydraulic add $7,200 *
- malleable fasciculated add 3,200 *
- flexible non-fasciculated add 1,000 *
Scrotal Construction from Labia add 3,500 *
Glansplasty 1,000 *
Sub-total vaginectomy 4,500 1.0 hr
if done with phallo or meta 3,500
Testicular implants in labia Iincludes implants) 2,500 1.0 hr
Phalloplasty, scrotoplasty, testicular implants, glansplasty, transpositin of the clitoris $18,000
7 1/2 hr OR ( $3,250); 1 night in hospital ($1,300); anesthesia $2,350 $6,900
TOTAL $24,900