Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 8:39 p.m. No.13247189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7216 >>7225

>>13247148 (pb)

Ivermectin kills round worms. ADULTS. It does not kill eggs, which is why you worm your mares every three months unless you use strongid-C which is ongoing and can eventually kill off eggs but your mares are just going to pick them up again from the soil/animal shit.


Free ranging horses know what plants to eat to kill parasites. Pastured horses can only eat what's in there.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9 p.m. No.13247277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7286 >>7291 >>7318 >>7366


>The brain does not eat insulin.

KEK….the brain literally NEEDS fats and sugars to operate. If you go hard core Keto for longer than 3 months with zero sugar intake you WILL start having brain function issues.


Fear porn. Stupid fucks. Biden is literally NOT president of the USA. We're in NO real danger.


I don't know for sure when the swap was in…before the election for sure. But if anyone actually believes Biden is president, I'm sorry for you. WHO is in charge? even if I could see that I'd not tell. That would be stupid af.


Stop panicking.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9:08 p.m. No.13247308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7320 >>7394


>JFK lost his life for aliens…

KEK boat missed. Someone is listening to channelers on the Internet again.

Watch the water


Watch the water


Pedo island pedo island pedo island…PEDO PEDO PEDO….and that's all you see. Forget the pedo…Island. WHY? The "jaffa" haven't a clue WHY. They hear and obey, they feed the money whatever they need to gain access to the money. They'll send in their "servants" to marry the money they don't already own.


WHO are "the 'people' in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of"..what is it that they seek?



Maria? (clever move….VERY clever move)

Haiti? (oops that earthquake tho…"unintended?" consequences")

24°42′20″N 77°46′9″W

Putting them in GITMO….the irony. SO close and yet….


Ever wonder WHY Cuba? The bigness of this is beyond the comprehension of people who have been brainwashed by the archon channeling retards on the Internet. Well they're nice and they TOLD me they were good aliens.




Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9:13 p.m. No.13247327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We're not safe bro, that's a flat out lie. What is "safe"? exactly? like…good people by their very goodness won't suffer the consequences of their sleep? SRSLY that is the ONE Q post that pisses me tf off. YOU are not SAFE.


Do you think that power outage in Texas was organic? Were those people "safe"? Are people "safe" from the incoming earth changes? What is "safe"? Just because Biden is not fucking president and we really have zero clue who is running this place, we have to trust POTUS won't give up on us and yet he made the stupidist "take the vaccine" comment which for the simple minded trying to decide to take it or not, amounts to murdering Nana just like Cuomo did. There is literally zero way Trump can state unequivocally that NOTHING dangerous was in either the test or the vaccine. Saying that is IMPOSSIBLE.


Trump should have never ever fucking made that statement re vaccines. That ONE statement has made ME wonder….

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9:14 p.m. No.13247335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I had a moment today…when I decided to give 55515 a try. The imagery I got IMMEDIATELY was that black screen rolling with that binary green text…like in that Matrix meme. Really made me think.


BTW 55515 does actually work.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9:19 p.m. No.13247358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7388


>I have watched Mark Passio videos.

Did you know Passio conceals his Jewish heritage and does NOTHING but lie and flip the script?


Stop making yourself missionaries of liars and jewtube teachers. They literally know JACK FUCKING SHIT. He's one of the absolute fucking worst. He's flipped the script for his master Enlil (Jehovah, the evil one) to make Enki literally satan.)


NO respect for anyone pushing the teachings of the EVIL ONE. Passio is one of the fucking worst. Where did HE get HIS knowledge?


nothing worse than NPCs on the Internet following "teachers" of the lie.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9:23 p.m. No.13247374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some lands sink, some lands RISE. And everybody wants to be first. West coast gets it first, then east coast.

Submarines are very very popular. Wonder why? I wonder if the solstice this year….will produce the same energy burst. Ah…time, only time. He who controls the power controls the world.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9:28 p.m. No.13247399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7415 >>7425 >>7516 >>7594 >>7687 >>7849 >>7862


He flat out told people he and his family were vaccinated and his followers should take the jab as well. He should have said NOTHING. Because he cannot guarantee that the vaccines were not adulterated no matter how carefully they watched. Also, there's no reason to vaccinate against .09% death "virus" and one easily prevented by zinc, Vit. D, cannabis, and any other antiviral herbals, proper diet, ivermectin, HCQ…and PROPER treatment (no ventilator) if you do get it bad.

Shilling for the jab pissed me off bigely. Just don't say anything let people decide on their own rather than literally take responsibility for convincing Nana to take the jab that kills her.

Watch this Jew take the jab…watch carefully…very carefully.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 9:41 p.m. No.13247460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7536 >>7575


>The good thing is, they lost control, and can not kill us.

KEK put down the crack pipe. You're just another "follower" of fake ass "teachers" on the Internet. What you DON'T know would fill oceans. That day you finally realize all your "knowing" fro the likes of Wilcox, Goode, Greer, Icke….holy shit people are so fucking gullible.


KEK thinks they lost control.


The earth has to have a purge in order to survive.


Really, stop, just stop listening to Internet "teachers" who do nothing but make shit up, make empty promises and make LOTS of money.



Emery smith

Cory Goode



Where, exactly do they attain their knowledge? from ancient mouth to mouth oral traditions? NOPE…some fucking invisible voices in their heads. Literally.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 10:02 p.m. No.13247570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7615


>If there is a plan

I believe there IS a plan because if you watch you can see …observation and common sense is useful here. Also realizing that an overarching lesson is in the story telling.


Think about it..for 5 years people here didn't believe a word the media said but suddenly they believe every word the media says. I've seen some headlines that had me holding my sides laughing because you just know it's a bullshit. These two articles…both are fake af…but people can only figure out why 1 of them is fake. Their needle gets stuck in the scratch on their record…but but the article says….and you want to bang your head…why can't people see? Because they have been made functionally helpless. Unless Q comes to tell them what to look at or what to "research" or believe, they cannot really wrap their brains around "if it was fake news for 5 years….why isn't it fake news now?" They just can't.


People need to TURN OFF the programming. GET TF off ALL social media, turn off the TV….but they won't! They can't…holy shit I've not had network / cable TV since 2009 and the ONE time I watched COI at a friends on History Channel I thought I would fucking loose my mind….the COMMERCIALS….holy shit. The programming is endless. TURN IT TF off. Prepare for anything. Stop hanging on every word of Scavino and Trump hoping for a clue to make you feel better.


Either you FEEL it in your self or you don't. I do NOT need fucking Scavino or anyone to give me nibblets of "hints things will go the way I want them". I spend my time studying, posting things here in hopes of opening some eyes…but in the end I have the teachings of my elders…the knowledge of the time before time. I've had to learn what they meant when they flat out told me NEVER to listen to channelers and the true nature of the Archons (the tricksters who love to fuck with humans sending them truth mixed with fiction to lead people astray)…there's NO helping believers…no matter what they beLIEve thats never going to change.


The fundamental connection between ALL believers no matter the beLIEf, is that someone is coming to save them. How directly OPPOSITE to what my elders taught me. Re aliens? never ever have anything to do with either side in this. Help comes at a price. Unless you want to be"spare parts" puppy chow (kek he actually said puppy chow), NEVER have anything to do with either side. They're NOT your friend. Humans are fundamentally fucked up. Their NATURE is war like, give them technology and the first thing they do is weaponize it. ALWAYS. Not once, not ever has a new technology stayed strictly within the bounds of HELPvand the perversion of Original Medicine into a weapon….every fucking single time….EVERY time.

I'm comfy. I don't give af about the endgame it's the same damn endgame. Why worry about it? The thing I don't get is why people are so terrified of the end?


Why is now any different?


What's wrong with BOTH headlines?


Want a fascinating read? Learn the historical enemies who are "programmed" to destroy. Learning is always good, understanding the WHY is useful.


IN life there is always the perfect and the imperfect, the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the evil…separate but one, (kek how about separate yet connected?) and the concept of duality (meaning good and evil are separate rather than one) is our biggest hamartia. I see no difference between SJWs and Trump folk. BOTH firmly believe they are doing good. How is that even possible?


Excellent hypothesis in this PDF. I've been tracking MY historical enemy to learn more about their whys and mission here.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 10:17 p.m. No.13247629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Anger about injustice.

There is no injustice. You have a faux man made "Natural Law" concept of what humans deserve. Humans are nature they SHOULD be subject only to the Law of Nature (like we're about to with earth) instead of accepting OUR role as part of nature we decide to engage in combat with nature by creating our own laws. Such arrogance. Technology has always been our downfall. ALWAYS.


As an example, the insufferable self-righteousness of the Vegan. They are among the most evil. Engaging with animals in a equality of consciousness instead of honoring the NATURAL food chain. IGNORING the consciousness of plants IGNORING eat fresh, eat local, eat IN SEASON…they sustain their unrealistic foolish CRUEL diets with shipping, factory farming, and endless SHOPPING and reliance on outside resources to exist. When TSHTF I can't wait…vegans gonna be first off the lifeboat. IMHO their ignorance and disrespect to plant life is a condition of their arrogance. They've no concept of gratefulness, of saying THANKS , of taking only what they can use. Of caring for ALL life with respect. Then scurrying into dark corners when presented what MY people have always KNOW…all life is interdependent and connected. The food chain is what it is. How to "save the lamb" by convincing the lion to eat the "emotionless, feelingless" cabbage. What lies they tell themselves. Plants have even more consciousness and wisdom than humans. And yet they arrogantly advocate for disrespect to plants in order to prop up their fallacious beliefs that cows, for instance, have more right to life than corn. Stupid.


Be grateful for EVERYTHING that sacrifices their life so that you may survive. You know why we bless our food? To say THANK YOU…to remove the energy of slaughter, to clear it and remind ourselves to be grateful. That's why they call it grace. Do you think clearing the food and expressing gratefulness is a product of Christianity? KEK.


What about our plant teachers? Such wisdom of the ages held in their spores. We are so arrogant a creature.


KEK MUFON is a scam to suppress shit ..their latest is convincing people it's DEMONS. Imagine believing that. They come cloaked in light to rule.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 10:34 p.m. No.13247680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>That planet is a farm

A factory farm. "They see you as 'food'" Well we see cows as food. :D Cloud Atlas=documentary. Athosians=truth: that group in SG-1 blew my mind.. was like..HOLY shit they're telling people….kek…truth in fiction. Thanks Archons. Earth fell for it the first time, so hungry were they for the tech….oops.


There is no his truth or her truth or this or that version. There is only what IS true and what IS a lie. "she told HER truth"…kek. People decide what is true based on what they want to believe.


I don't decide Biden isn't president because the thought of him being president is horrifying. I SEE what is TRUE….he cannot be president. I observe I see …OK…I see this, that was true. WHY is it true? Is it a trick to make me sleepy or is it a hint to let me know it's OK…in time….can I say 100% which witch is which? NO, no one can. I guess I'll find out, eventually WHY it's true Biden is not president…it's a bit too dangerous to use my usual methods at this juncture. They've gotten slightly more aware of "spies".


Biden is NOT president

contrasting stories on the internet / mdeia only serve to further highlight the bullshit in the media/Internet and that NONE of it should be given any quarter. Either you SAW Arlington (and not the damn cannons) or you did not. What you make of it? That should come from observation and applied logic not Wayne R. Willott (Savin) the internet fucking CON man or Simone I fuck Alien Pussy Parkes.


BUT FROM YOU…what does YOUR observation meant to YOU….learned helplessness means people FEEEELING go hunting for someone else to tell them what they saw.


HOW incredibly ridiculous does an Internet KNOWER have to be before people say..hol up bro…I thought you said the world was ending in 2012 and you wrote a book ($$$) to give us this sekrit knowledge but…if the world is ending then why do you need money? Like…if the information is going to help…then give it for free…whew.


My people have a rule..NO money for teachings, healings, prayers and ceremony…NO MONEY. NOW, which "teacher" do you know that cannot be corrupted for want of money because they charge money…..if I charge no money where is my motivation to teach and help people? GOOD elders and teachers don't have websites, videos and books. The ONLY teacher I know that is still pure of heart in teaching but does have his son write books, is Don Miguel Ruiz and the prosperity gospel and "the secret" idiots would do WELL to take time and study on the Toltec teachings.


Totecs knew shit.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 10:43 p.m. No.13247701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7725


>how can one win if they imagine them self a loser?


Oh, grasshopper, one is always both a winner and a loser. Strategy and intelligence swiftness of movement…or rather in short the aesthetic spiritual genius of Sun Tzu.


The difference is in the willingness to commit attrocities to win or gain an advantage and in this not all humans are created equally. A good example would be the ORI versus the Ancients.


HOW butthurt they were when the Ancients wouldn't help beat the Ori..until 1 ANCIENT decided on their own to go head to head. ALL that battle did was return the fulcrum to NEUTRAL balance….all it took was 1 Ancient saying..yep I've about had enough of your shit, to 1 ORI to restore balance to worlds.


ALL we're experiencing now is the worst of us. Do you think the "parasite" infects a GOOD person and directs them into evil? NOPE…they infect the ones already evil and USE their evil proclivities to their own ends. Mark Zuckerberg was never a "good" person….he's only MORE evil now. Same with Eric Schmidt…the "Ori" don't bother infecting those good in heart….they infect the ego-ridden people who already have an out of balance fulcrum.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 11:11 p.m. No.13247798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do not "suggest" any one person. Yes you did just waste all your time. I do NOT dismiss people without first hearing them out. I did listen to 2 of his most popular jewtube videos. All the way through. THEN the first thing I did was do a search "Mark Passio*Jew". I knew he was "flipping the script" turning Ya into the good guy. Which ALWAYS means the're fucking jews.

The "goldberg" conspiracy here…inserted Trump

Whitney (((WEB))) inserted Trump

Miles Mathison inserted Trump

Thus I knew they were fake af. I don't believe a WORD Virginia Guffrie says


Jews were desperate to keep Trump from re-election, desperate to keep him "down". LOOK at which Jews love Trump (Orthodox) and which Jews hate him? Khazarian Neanderthal fake identity thieving Space Nigger Parasite Jewffa. WHY do they hate him? There is NOTHING the Jewffa hate worse than the truth. The truth frees you from their "magnetism" that keeps you "harvestable" your energy available for their masters.


When Passio flipped the script and made Enki the "devil" I knew he was a lying sack of shit. See, even in South American jungles the ELDERS teach the myth of creation. When I first studied these teachings–my first thought was…holy shit the Western Judeo-Christian creation myth is a lie. They flipped the script…IN SA creation myths the LIGHT BRINGER gifted them the "sacred vine of knowledge" so that they may "know themselves".


That story is thousands of years old. Older than "genesis" hell almost everything is older than Genesis…they "plagiarized" the stories of other peoples and made themselves the heros.


It is a fact that the oldest book in the "bible" is Job….and what a horrid morality tale it is (3 authors…they tacked on the happy ending so as not to depress…further)…what evil fucks the two "gods" were…bargaining over humans, intentionally inflicting horrific suffering…the cosmic game of chess by assholes…


If you would like an epic lecture Irving Finkle is a sheer delight. A cuniform expert exposes the lies of the "bible" without even breaking a sweat. His lecture on the truth re "Noah's Ark" should cause people to THINK…instead the autodomesticated reflex is to huff and puff…the comments. KEK…they're angry that their bullshit "bible" is a lie. Copies of epic tales thousands of years older than their "bible" they hunt scrape and desperately try to find a way to MAKE IT TRUE…they double down instead of thinking…hol up…if this isn't TRUE then what is? WHY have I been lied to my entire life?


The Library at Alexandria wasn't burned because of what was in it, but what wasn't in it. The absolute oldest the bible could possibly be is 250BC…..PERIOD. It's a mishmash of a fucking asshole of a people trying to create an identity out of the tales and Epics of other cultures.


Finkle is sheer delight. Enjoy!

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 11:19 p.m. No.13247823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7831



>Find a more fitting candidate for your vote in future elections?



Yes, I suppose you've NOT figured that out…just yet. You still don't get it, do you.


There are not going to BE anymore elections, not in this timeline.


Ingersol Lockwood…The Last President…let's see if we can flip into our organic timeline…only TIME will tell. (pun intended).

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 11:24 p.m. No.13247829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7844 >>7849 >>7862




They don't fucking need to go to Atlanta. JOPPA is literally right fucking next door. JOPPA is where the "rose garden" presser was filmed. FUCK off with the swerve. You're making fools of yourself..right they just fly everyone down to Atlanta to ….GTFO of here and use common sense. Other files I've apparently already posted. Look for JOPPA in cnt+f

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 11:35 p.m. No.13247857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7909


Let me REPOST it again. I realize the QUeen is a lizard and Andrew is a pedo crowd are going to reject the truth and reveal their tard level…but PIC fucking related. (again).


TIMING is everything. When the Queen moved back the Sussex review date I figured there were a few "unexpected" snags. Let's see if she moves it again. You think Trump babbles about Markle for the FUN of it or maybe Markle is part of the overarching evil fuckery NWO plan….and the Queen is taking her apart, death by a thousand cuts.


That interview with Oprah was CGI. The Queen has a very naughty sense of humor like Trump. I imagine they've had quite the laugh a time or two….making Markle do her own self in….

"roast chicken

And goodness, "Archificial" must spend a LOT of time reading where he shouldn't…

first words



Waffle maker

stay safe! I fucking died. There IS humor in the dark if we listen for it.


It's not up to me. Either we win or we lose. I have seen that other timeline, I do not want to lose….but it's NOT up to me. I just observe…holy shit the wailing and knashing of teeth I read here on inauguration day…on each Wayne Willott datefagging bullshit designed to mind fuck people….all ANYONE needed to do was SEE…Garth sang "I was BLIND but now I see" and I'm like…well Q research will be rocking with laughter over that inauguration….only to come here and find hysterical blindness.


The ONE thing Trump knows about his followers is that for the most part, while good-hearted, they are every bit as BLIND as the left. The left believed the inauguration too. KEK…this sameness yet the claim to difference is most amusing. That's why Trump has to do what has to be done without regard to his followers angst. IF all people were truly as "woke" as they claim both right and left should be going WTF is this shit…but they're NOT.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 17, 2021, 11:56 p.m. No.13247916   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>All your strong words might be justified if you knew exactly who you were talking to and what their mission was.

KEK….I know what I know. All it took was me to post on here I was thinking about posting my drawings on the Vegas shooting…within 2 days Patrick Howley swept in with the swerve….ISIS? How amusing.


Just like my posting1 frame from the "official white house video" of Biden signing the EOs…less than 12 hours later they posted a completely corrected "version" except…for my holdouts…my holdouts didn't get corrected.


I was particularly amused by the movement of Chavez's commie bust AWAY from the flag because I was like LOL look the Commie is SNIFFING freedom. There was SO much wrong with the first "oval office" I died. Like OMG who can believe this shit is real….then the correction came, then the art swerve….then someone FINALLY noticed my 2 holdouts…so they cropped in their official still further to hide the wee issue with the pens….and then published the diet coke button articles to cover for the missing SS call box.


While all you all have done nothing but cry and kvetch I've been LMAO. I don't know why….that's not my place…I observe, MARK the observation and watch the response.


KEK see how they cropped the EOs out so you couldn't see that there were MORE EO's than pens? Have the right curtains up, "ironed" the flag and scooted Chavez's nose away from the flag? And that diet coke button COULD be on the desk….


ALL the art swerves, carpet swerves White House studio swerves cannot UNDO the fuckery of that FIRST official video. KEK they even went back, took down the WH video and edited out walking man….but they can't crop in close enough to hide the fucking dump truck….

In fact it's even funnier that they went in and fixed shit which makes this shit even worse.


It's a game….and we're ONLY observers.


FACT the EO signing was filmed at JOPPA.


Has anyone noticed that Biden, like Prince Harry almost always wears the same outfit in the fake shit? The CGI interview with Oprah Harry had on his "grey suit" with his holey loafers this time even missing the heel of his shoe….when Harry is "working" with Markle (IE making it appear as if he's on board) he ALWAYS wears his "uniform". Only when he's literally fucking her over. Slyly ever so slyly contradicting her. Go back and listen to that "engagement" interview…how many times did Markle mention ROAST CHICKEN? Yeah…Harry probably likes to roast the chicken…blackmail is a powerful thing.

Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 18, 2021, midnight No.13247932   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm on "night shift" for a reason. You can't force open the eyes of the blind. I am here to make sure people living and breathing the PAYtriots and making fools of themselves have an OPTION to see the truth about these people and rethink their beLIEfs…

Calling out people who post shit like this….holy fucking hell I get ashamed to be associated here at times and sincerely hope these are chink/jewjitsju posters because I can't even imagine being this fucking stupid…and yet, here we all are.




>>13242450 (pb)

>We have pictures of the children "kids" being led out of the WH

FUCKING lying sack of shit. That's a LOOP video fucking swerve.


WTF do you think Trump was doing in the WH for four fucking years with kids in tunnels under it? tossing them cookies?


You are fucking batshit insane. YOU are the commenter on jewtube that makes my brain explode.



Anonymous ID: dde1c2 March 18, 2021, 12:04 a.m. No.13247944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You do realize that freedom of thought and transparency does NOT automatically translate to truth and intelligence…right? At least the OPTION do engage is present….that's a good thing, but it's NOT an awakening, THAT hasn't happened yet.


Q is the only cult whose motto is "think for yourself"..


L Ron Hubbard…hold my beer.


How is it thinking for yourself if you're CONSTANTLY turning to fake "insiders" to tell you what to think?

