Anonymous ID: 28d30d May 6, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.1325231   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Have you ever wondered why?



I mean, God controls or allows everything, and I just don't think those assclowns are God.

Or even smart to be honest. Look at that Princess Di lady. Supposedly her ex husband England's Chuckles Schumer was into this older ugly woman (who he's since locked up in psych; "true wuvs") and, maybe Di knew some shit, or maybe she didn't, but someone was tasked to kill her.


WTF was that hit? Is that the BEST the useless nazi-Windsors can bring? Hell pull a half-decent Sumerian in and he'd have had her whacked in sixty seconds. If his knife were sharp I guess.


These sorts are the ones "controlling every breath you take every move you make?

Sorry, I know you're just a slider but this was better than the flat earth shiite, had to dead cat bounce on these "intelligence drops". (Hint: make the bad Assclown someone capable, like Dick Cheney. That mfer right there, HE'S probably P and gets his ring kissed by every cabalist on the planet! Shit! He got pissed at some dude, a FRIEND!, and blew the dude's face off.


While in office! Guy's cray but got to give him credit for being someone who could pull the strings without shitting up the evil planz. If he's still alive, he's still pulling strings. For shits and giggles.