What were Hillary and Gillard up to in 2014?
High priestesses??? I am on a Witch Hunt here…
One dressed in gold and the other dressed like the gold mask of Tutankhamun or the Epstein Island temple?
Was this some kind of a ritual submitting Gillard's coven to Hillary's leadership coven?
I know we all think that CGI was some kind of charity thing that Hillary turned into a money laundering engine, but what if it was a way of organizing covens and witches around the world? I stumbled across CGI advisors working at the BAD
Banque Africaine de Developpement (Remember a Q drop about a plane crash where he said Very BAD?)
Stratégie de la BAD
In digging things related to this bank (and there is LOTS AND LOTS not just Rwanda related) I have come across several advisors from the CGI who were always women. Also the BAD has a reputation as being a corrupt organization. It was run for 10 years by the former Finance Minister of Rwanda.