Anonymous ID: 75b6d1 May 6, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.1324922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5380




If anons say hey i'm a grandma anon, or grandpa anon, or mom anon. ( some may have to say that in context to story, or about redpilling, or what would work best to redpill, that anons age group, etc


Some are ex military anons, salesfags, engineerfags, etc.


I don't care, and find it perfectly fine, if someone calls themselves that, in regard to what they are talking about, or even in general.


We are to be united,, so why would anyone attack other anons for being female or saying they are?


( sounds like what Q posted a couple of weeks ago, about the canada truck terrorists was on 8chan, hating women)

To try to make us look bad.




Many anons of every age and sex, and different backgrounds are here.


To them the evil cabal, we are all the same, sheeple, feeders, slaves, peasants.




IF anons want to say they are female, then let them

Nothing wrong with mentioning it on occasion.

Especially when other anons say i love you no homo( sometimes have to reply, no homo, i'm a chic, kek)

Anonymous ID: 75b6d1 May 6, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.1324984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5000



I was going to post about this earlier


Anonymous ID: 75b6d1 May 6, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.1325097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5129 >>5138


because maybe he didn't? kek


What makes a good movie? Great Actors?


She had that signed statement saying she never had an affair with Trump , last year.


It was called calm before the storm,, coincidence, that her stage name is Stormy?


Coincidence that she said a storm's a coming, when we have been talking about the storm coming for 7 months( since Trump said calm before the storm)


coincidence that her lawyer used the word #BASTA in all of his tweets? basta is italian for enough.


Q has said before enough is enough.


It is one of 2 things,, or maybe 3.


Stormy is a paid distraction for fake news,, that will blow up spectacular like, in their face, making them all look really stupid, and helping( one of many parts) showing people how they are fake news.

To see how far and how low, they will go on the word of a porn star.


Or she is being put forth, and paid by the bad people( Q said these people are stupid) so that will end up not going well for them either.


Guiliani may have said what he did on purpose.


Have to see how it all plays out,, Stormy could be a red october for the news.


Also Trump is a germaphobe( her one night encounter, with no protection) makes no fucking sense whatsoever,, and the whole story, seemed like utter bullshit.


That he would sleep with a trashy porn star( as bad as a prositute) and cheat on Melania who is a gorgeous, beautiful and an incredibly intelligent woman, who speaks 5 languages. And would do that , when she just had their baby,,



Anonymous ID: 75b6d1 May 6, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.1325196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5201 >>5228


This was planned for years,, ( and maybe it's why they called the calm before the storm, and the storm( if she became part of the plan, or there is a reason for it)


Would be easy to predict how desperate the news, hollywood, would be for this story, thinking they could use it to hurt Trump or bring him down.

So she was put out as a shiny distraction( alliance knowing they would fall for it, hook line and sinker, because these people are stupid)



What i have witnessed on here since last October, has been SHEER FUCKING BRILLIANCE, on the part of Q Trump, and many others.

All the information in Q's posts, the matches, the proofs, the 111 day markers, and all the news matching past Q posts,,, it's been beyond unbelievable and incredible, on a 4 or 5 D chess scale of EPIC PROPORTIONS,,, Think about how this has all played out so far, the stage being set the past 6 months.


Also things that appear one way,, are actually the opposite.


Either they( Stormy) are a part of it, on the good side or bad. ( yes her lawyer is being paid by perkins coie, who also paid for dossier,) maybe that was the plan? a reason for that, inside info, they were planted by alliance,, to have bad guys pull them into their circle, while they keep distracting them to next sensational headline, after another, while really helping lay the foundation for their fall, from within?


We will have to see how it plays out.


There are many stages going on,, many acts being performed,, all part of the plan.