FYI—the History Channel had a special on Nikola Tesla. They mentioned Trump's uncle and called the CIA release of 12k documents a "treasure trove".
Snopes was right about that one. While terrifically planned—look at the people running it and then look for their names anywhere else related to the jobs they're supposed to hold.
This also popped up when I was searching. They talked about the discrepancies between the two releases.
No femfag is going to read Nietzsche copypasta, dude. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid). Anons have a perfectly reasonable justification for avoiding gendered disclosure and have done just fine with it for years. Tits or GTFO has a storied history with noble reasoning in one great, distinguished anon's post.
I'm laying heavy odds on that being true. Plus, there are things that are vital to have released to the public. My only concern is that half the country will be celebrating that there were people in the DOJ and other levels of government plotting the assassination of DJT. It's been repeatedly demonstrated that they celebrate when the good guys are attacked and they are sympathetic when the bad guys fake their injuries.
Kek, they're spinning it so that he still sounds like their brave dear leader. They'll probably tell the people of NK that he singlehandedly got an AMAZING wealth of riches and happiness for the country and decided to do the right thing for them out of the bigness of his beloved heart.