all i ever se is stupid people showing off pictures off dead people or traitors or zombies
for homotus frump
took a while but got all the devils down the toilet
truth is subjective after the fact
we should be advertising honesty
is that dude in aerosmith
does iran have a memo yet?
does stormy have the memo?
do the jews have the memo? can we get it back?
cosby gets to beat that faggot, don;t let him forget he got dues coming
ron perlman and sanders
prol wray
what if i told trump tried to murder me more than once
have some diarrhea on the house
dupont chemicals, bunch of shadilay politics back in the pre internet days, buried transformers and contaminated water stuff, erin brochovich movie
josh is a tranny now in abq
yep sleazy chemicals
'nazi' is a pejorative in this country
for all accuracy , gestapo or SS is way more politically correct
they saturated north and south america and have homestead areas all over
i'm figuring ya'll paid to be here ,
do not get me started about shitty banjo players and the depths of arkansas
cycles of hoes
cia niggas are gross
rosenstein must of been fed a bunch of bs from josh
under the alchemical wedding a couple of fags have to get married, but since noahide happened, the other got thrown into a tranny situation , so it should still be legal to marry the fegels .
and corsihomocianigga still wants to force a book for proffit
looks like a vt girl
corsi predatory networking makes alex jones look like a nice guy
tunneling and doxing included
@corsi check out the muhjoosshills magazine coming out this week, pedo
cia niggas enjoy the diarrhea
remnants of some real queer horeshit the imf gestapo roth breed out of practice, pol stuff, femi-nazi , corsi is so pedo psych it is disgusting