Sleepy Joe’s says they don’t know how to get online.
Yeah that’s called a “failed state”. It’s what happen when room-temp IQ darkies get to run things. Big fucking surprise.
I fucking love rooftop Asians being based.
All you other colored folks just make a mess out of everything. Go back where you came from!
Who is Apu? Guy from Simpsons? Who is Eve? Her hair is like skunk.
Done in 30: Months? I can wait, but will be older and fatter.
All about who has money to be extorted and who is broke and gets caught and released.
No, the Jews.
Magnificent! I would make the baby dance with Eve and I am good friends with Pepe; it feels good man!
Dear Bolshevik Jew Devils,
You should all just go to your shit-hole Fag-town, Israel, and stay there. All you do is ruin everything with your inbred DNA bad brains and thinking. You are the Children of Cain. Stay away from others or commit suicide please.
Reggie shoulda stayed in the truck. He got pwned by some brownies. They have to go back!
Wise man say “always go hiking with a slow fatty”.