>Can You Tell Fact From Fiction Anymore?
Fact from fiction? There are no fucking facts on either side. This whole thing is absurd. Dare me to draw my sword.
>Can You Tell Fact From Fiction Anymore?
Fact from fiction? There are no fucking facts on either side. This whole thing is absurd. Dare me to draw my sword.
Of course CM is Q. Didn't you know he hung out with POTUS and flew on AF1 over Hong Kong.
So no person ever who has slightest knowledge about Q.
Do you know why it is believable? Look the fuck around. Everything is absurd. Why shouldn't people believe it? Before they "allegedly" destroyed it they didn't do shit about it anyway. Nothing would surprise an intelligent person at this point. I fucking aliens landed on the white house lawn, took a shit, left a note and said we too stupid to talk to we would all just shrug it off as yet another 2020+ absurdity.
Fuck you and your source.